
Well, that wasn’t the reason.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve heard every reason I “should” do or be something. Haven’t you? You know, you should take care of yourself …why? You might get sick.  You should be a kind person … why? So you don’t hurt others.  Don’t stand in front of the microwave. Why? You could get cancer.  Here’s one… always trust God. Why? Because your soul is at stake.  Hmmm Do you notice one thing about all of these reasons? Protection.  The reason I live a healthy life is to protect myself, the reason I’m kind is to protect others . The reason I trust God is because He could come at any moment and send me to hell if he doesn’t like what I’m doing? Let’s look at that last phrase. Keywords”trust” “fear”, “I’m”. They don’t make sense.  I trust because I’m afraid and the outcome relies solely on me.   That can’t be the reason.  Are there any deep thinkers out there that can give me a “reason” that does not include fear , or my choices ?  Let’s talk.  I’l...

I’m sorry that you understand

  Have you ever said these words: “if you could just understand ?”  I’m sure we’ve all said “I understand “ to people going through things we can not comprehend.  It’s our way of pouring out sympathy or trying to emphasize with someone we care about   Don’t stop saying it   But look at it another way. There have been times in my life that have been hard for me to understand. I used to hear this in church “God puts you through things to help you empathize (or minister) to someone else”   To tell you the truth, that always confused me.  I thought they were telling me that God did terrible things to me so I could relate to someone else. I interpreted that as “God so loved the world that they are more important to Him than I am.” Have those thoughts ever crossed your mind or am I the only one?  If He puts me through difficult things for the sake of someone else, how does that help them? This part is going to get very real    Does God want me...

NEVER go to "the better place"

I could also entitle this "look in the last place first."  This is a tragic story about lost things.  I have more treasures in the "better  place" than I can imagine.  Oh it starts out well enough. "I'm not going to put it in the ordinary place. I' going to put it in  the "better" place.  It sound so magical. It makes perfect sense to you at the moment,  but it's a trap! I had to pray tonight, not because I was doing a religious exercise (I'm allergic).  Nope, it was far deeper than that. 🙄.  I put something important in a "better place" and I had to ask Jesus to "please" help me find it.  It sound so spiritual. "Jesus, I put things in a "better place". Do you know where that is?" Then scriptural references that I won't post links to came to mind. "I have prepared a better place for you." My response, "Then where is it?" "Don't put  your treasure in earthen vesse...

I was born in the desert

   The nation of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years.  The disobedience of their forefathers put this burden on them.  I’ve often heard that God will “ send you around the mountain again” if you don’t learn your lesson the first time.  Excuse me, but that’s crap. We are human beings that keep working on something until we’re satisfied with the outcome or we are desperate for change.  God has better things to do than to monitor my learning process. He leads me, but he doesn’t make me feel stupid if I don’t “get it” the first time.   If you were a teacher , a good teacher. You’d develop patience and you’d try every way possible to communicate with your student.   That was free.  Anyway, I’ve been thinking about the children of promise that were born during those 40 years. Their ancestors lived with God directly leading them through dry land where water was, fresh water from a stone… He was a patient teacher and showed them over and over ...

Parable of dead things

I hope you’ll read this to the end because it’s taken me a lifetime to write.  Dead things can destroy your life. I’m going to write this like a parable.  Here’s my parable: There was a farmer that planted a beautiful fruit tree. He watered and fed it and expected it to grow. The problem was that one branch kept dying.  He would nurture it and it would grow a bud and he just knew it would live. But it would fall off and die. The farmer neglected the rest of the tree trying to save that one branch. The branch would bud, then the bud would fall off and die.  The man was very frustrated and said to himself “ why does this branch keep dying?” “I’m doing everything right, I get hopeful then that bud falls at my feet and dies.” The rest of the tree became sick. It was giving its strength to breathe life into the dead branch. The tree would breathe, a bloom would appear, but the tree didn’t have what it needed to sustain the dead limb.  The farmer called a professional...

Seeing the unexpected 2021

  My new web site is This is my jewelry label. Yeah! Do you know what's funny to me about this? I have searched and searched for an unusual name....?? Duh! I'll share some pictures from the pre published site, but right now I want to talk to you about the process.. I like to say that I haunt the isles of clothing shops and or hobby stores. I look at each piece over and over again until I see "it".  This set used to be a "gawdy" pair of earrings. No, really. I  loved the colors, but the style was "unimaginable" to me. I took this piece apart and made two necklaces and a set of earrings.  These aren't professional pictures (duh) nor are they the finished products, but you get the idea. All of these pieces together were one and a half earrings. Recently I took very pretty earrings that hurt my ears and changed them into necklaces. I don't have a before picture of either, but here's that after of one of the necklaces. Most...

Pens, pencils and babies

  Daughter of my daughter.   I’m a born writer.  My mother said that if she’d put a pen in the bathroom I’d write a song on it.   When my daughter was old enough I had to hide pens.  Not because she wrote words… no. She drew pictures.  Her heart was so full of vision that no surface was untouchable by her artistic hand.  Now you see the perpetuity of the artistic flare.  My baby drew on her baby; it’s beautiful and so is she.  

What do I say now?

 It's 2021 and the world is still upside down. The media tells me that over 20 percent of this nation believes we are on the right path. If I said I understood, I would be lying. So, what do I say? After much prayer and rehearsing Psalm 91 this is my proclamation. My Proclamation     I am a mighty force in this nation! Peace follows me everywhere I go. I am undisturbed by the events around me because my focus is on my God and His blessings remain on my life.     When darkness comes to tempt my soul, I recognize it and confront it. I know truth and recognize all lies. I refuse to give my time to things that do not build me up. I am wise in everything I do.     I know that winning is an attitude, not an action . Therefore, I am a winner. I may not be loved by everyone I meet, but I will be respected because I know who and whose I am. I will not compromise.     I live in a state of forgiveness. I have healthy boundaries and I will not allow...

Ways to fail successfully

  I can not tell a lie! My daughter came up with idea for this blog . Of course, my children came up with the name of this blog. I am so proud of them! What did you fail Wait a minute I thought this was about success! Keep reading and see what you think  Some days the list is so long that it can be down right discouraging. I get it.  Why would I want to talk about what I failed at today?  What would it be like if you sat at the dinner table and listed all the things you failed at each day? What kind of conversation would that stir?  I don't know about you, but I thought I was to celebrate my successes....right? I mean, whoever succeeds the most wins...right? What if that's the wrong way to look at life? Let's take some utter failures and talk about them, then lets talk about personal failures. It's easy to talk about abstract failures that turned into victories. For example: Einstein failed at MATH????? Now, I look at that in a positive and a negati...

How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11

  I've come to a unique, not unique, revelation today. In two days some of us will relive the worst day in America. There have been wars and tragedies, but nothing like that day. I was standing in my living room and the TV was on. Suddenly my heart stopped. Surely that airplane was going to go around that building. Why aren't they turning? Then...the world fell apart, but American's pulled together. Whoever "they" are have been trying to divide us and I'd like to pose a question....How many Democrats and Republicans died on 9/11? Do you know? I don't. The world and the United States was not one party or another. Who has deceived us? You know, that's what people all around us are trying to do. They are trying to figure out how we got deceived. We aren't deceived....we're Americans. We are not a two party system. Nobody can defend a party...we defend a Union. Do we have to agree on everything... I don't know anyone that agrees on anything eve...