What do I say now?

 It's 2021 and the world is still upside down. The media tells me that over 20 percent of this nation believes we are on the right path. If I said I understood, I would be lying. So, what do I say? After much prayer and rehearsing Psalm 91 this is my proclamation.

My Proclamation

    I am a mighty force in this nation! Peace follows me everywhere I go. I am undisturbed by the events around me because my focus is on my God and His blessings remain on my life.

    When darkness comes to tempt my soul, I recognize it and confront it. I know truth and recognize all lies. I refuse to give my time to things that do not build me up. I am wise in everything I do.

    I know that winning is an attitude, not an action. Therefore, I am a winner. I may not be loved by everyone I meet, but I will be respected because I know who and whose I am. I will not compromise.

    I live in a state of forgiveness. I have healthy boundaries and I will not allow another person's' actions to determine my reaction.

    A host of angels have been dispatched on my behalf. I will listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I will not offend my angels or take them for granted. Angels are a gift to me from Jesus and I know that they are watching over me to protect and guide me. My angels are always on duty and will guide me to safety. 

    I am a leader and I affect positive change. My confidence is unshakable because I know that the favor of the Lord is more important than being liked by any earthly person.

    Evil plots can not destroy my faith. There is no enemy too big, no giant unconquerable, not because of who I am, but because of whose I am! Any plot that comes against me will be exposed and I will prevail.

    I take my stand on this earth as a Mother and Grandmother. I stand for the generations that follow me. I stand for my children's children for a thousand generations.

    My relationship with my family is a process. One moment does not define the outcome. I am confident that the process God has used to bring me to this place has equipped me with the tools I need to face this day. 


Be bold and do not be afraid!



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