Well, that wasn’t the reason.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve heard every reason I “should” do or be something. Haven’t you? You know, you should take care of yourself …why? You might get sick. 

You should be a kind person … why? So you don’t hurt others. 

Don’t stand in front of the microwave. Why? You could get cancer. 

Here’s one… always trust God. Why? Because your soul is at stake.  Hmmm

Do you notice one thing about all of these reasons? Protection.  The reason I live a healthy life is to protect myself, the reason I’m kind is to protect others . The reason I trust God is because He could come at any moment and send me to hell if he doesn’t like what I’m doing?

Let’s look at that last phrase. Keywords”trust” “fear”, “I’m”. They don’t make sense. If I trust because I’m afraid then the outcome relies solely on me.  

That can’t be the reason.  Are there any deep thinkers out there that can give me a “reason” that does not include fear , or my choices ?  Let’s talk. 

I’ll wait.  


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