Seeing the unexpected 2021
My new web site is This is my jewelry label. Yeah! Do you know what's funny to me about this? I have searched and searched for an unusual name....?? Duh!
I'll share some pictures from the pre published site, but right now I want to talk to you about the process..
I like to say that I haunt the isles of clothing shops and or hobby stores. I look at each piece over and over again until I see "it".
This set used to be a "gawdy" pair of earrings. No, really. I loved the colors, but the style was "unimaginable" to me. I took this piece apart and made two necklaces and a set of earrings.
These aren't professional pictures (duh) nor are they the finished products, but you get the idea. All of these pieces together were one and a half earrings.
Most people don't see what I see and that's why I have a niche. Most of the time we find our niche's by accident. I was enjoying myself making hats and headbands, then jewelry for crosses, then jewelry for myself, then jewelry for my store.
My goal is to transform something broken into something amazing!
Here are pictures of my web page (in process).
I was searching for what I already had: a unique name and an idea.
Where is your gold hidden for 2022? Please share. I'd love to see what you're doing with what you have.
Merry Christmas,