NEVER go to "the better place"
I could also entitle this "look in the last place first." This is a tragic story about lost things. I have more treasures in the "better place" than I can imagine. Oh it starts out well enough. "I'm not going to put it in the ordinary place. I' going to put it in the "better" place. It sound so magical. It makes perfect sense to you at the moment, but it's a trap! I had to pray tonight, not because I was doing a religious exercise (I'm allergic). Nope, it was far deeper than that. 🙄. I put something important in a "better place" and I had to ask Jesus to "please" help me find it. It sound so spiritual. "Jesus, I put things in a "better place". Do you know where that is?" Then scriptural references that I won't post links to came to mind. "I have prepared a better place for you." My response, "Then where is it?" "Don't put your treasure in earthen vesse...