Coping with loneliness
This time of the year comes with a mixed bag of emotions and there is a divide between happiness and solitude. It’s very difficult. People either feel lost, forgotten or rejected or they are euphoric. I was sick Christmas Day. I spent the day in bed. It gave me a chance to think. I missed my family with all my heart and the question “who is there for me” was very distressing. Then I had another thought This lightened my heart. I can’t control who is “there” for me but I can control who I am “there” for. I started thinking of the people’s lives I have touched. I thought of the difference I’ve made. Nothing major. But there are people on this earth that know I am here for them. I’m a good listener, I offer advice when asked, people leave my presence feeling loved and hopeful. People in my life know that if they need me I’ll do whatever I can to help. If it’s a listening ear or compassion I have that. I may not have money they need or even the advice they seek. But I do have ear...