Does God always get his way?

I've been pondering this question for a long time. I bet most of you have as well. Sometimes it comes out as "Why God" did you let xyz happen? What was the point? What about the insanity in the world today? It's really hard to cope with all of it and try to picture God in the midst of it.

I've discovered through a lot of prayer and research that God does not always get his way. If he did, there wouldn't be sin in the world and we would all still visit with him face to fact in the Garden of Eden.

It's hard to comprehend that the will God gave us is so powerful that we can screw things up this badly. Whether Saint or Sinner, this world is a mess.

All of this thinking led me to one question. "Where is hope?" How can I hope for good things if He isn't in charge?

They myth that God is in control is simply a comforting thought. He will have the last word, but it isn't happening right now; babies still die, good people still get cancer, the world simply sucks.

Where is the hope?

My conclusion. God doesn't get his way all the time, but he does have a way. He has a way of escape, he has a plan for our live, he sent the comforter to help us deal with this  drama we call life. He made a way to himself through Jesus. All of that is fine and good, but what about right now?

I came very close to losing my ability to simply believe while pondering these questions. Then I heard the Word of God say, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all of your ways and he will direct your paths."

When does God get his way? When we acknowledge him, even if what surrounds us scares the hell out of us and makes no sense. It's scary to think that he only gets his way, right now, if you and I give our lives to him completely. He said that he is the way. The way to what? The way to heaven? Is he really that limited? I don't think so. He's a path to peace, he's a way to live in this insane world.

I can only make decisions for myself. I can't fix anyone or anything. I can effect change, but I can't make people stop killing babies, or stop doing drugs, or stop murdering....

I can choose not to murder, but I can't decide if I will be murdered. It isn't fair. I have the ability to trust God even when it makes no sense. The Bible talks a lot about abiding. When I read Psalms 91 I am convinced that the thing  I can do is abide. The thing I can do is trust. The thing I can do is hope. If I commit my ways to the Lord, He is granted permission to have his way in my life. That doesn't stop other people from having their way. God doesn't take away the will of other people in order to secure my way. But he does guide me. He does walk beside me. He does let me know if there is danger that can be avoided. His angels are given charge over me.

Sometimes God's way isn't fun. Just ask the apostles. There are no rainbow promises of a perfect life. But without him...I would be a victim to the will of everyone around me. With him I have hope that he will light my path and guide my steps. Trust me when I say, that's the best news I've ever heard.

He doesn't get his way right now, but there is coming a time when he will. With heaven working on my side I have hope that each day will be productive. I have hope that he will guide my path. I have hope that he will lead me beside still waters (Psalm 23).

I choose to walk in his will and stay in his ways, especially when it makes no sense. Otherwise there is no hope at all. I choose hope.

Thank you for traveling this journey with me through reading my blogs.


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