Politics make no sense

Hello! This post is not about who is right or who is wrong, Does it really matter at this point?

I'm going to give you some examples of things being said and change the subject and  you tell  me if you think it is the appropriate response.

My neighbor hasn't mowed his yard this week. I'm going to call the police.

I think my neighbor picked a flower out of my yard. I'm going to sue him.

I don't want you to be my dry cleaner so I'm going to form a committee to get you removed from my neighborhood.

Now, let's get a little more serious. What if I used these words?
You are black so I"m going to put you in prison. Would you be outraged at that? I would.

Your restaurant serves white people so I'm going to sue you.

I believe Global Warming is a problem so I'm going to drive my car to work.

I was hired to interpret one language for another, but I don't like the wording so I'm going to tell the people listening what I want them to know.

You are not popular so I'm going to bully you on TV, the internet, magazines, talk shows, YouTube and I"m going to write negative news stories about you. Then I'm going to rage about bullying.

This is what's happening,
Did Obama get treated with respect because he was our first black president? I didn't vote for him. I didn't like his policies. I didn't like the fact that he refused to salute my countries flag or put his hand over his heart or respect my values. However, I also DID NOT try to get him fired. I did not treat him with respect because of his color or policies. I treated him with respect because even when he was wrong (in my opinion) my countrymen voted him into office I don't care if he was white or purple, respect the office, endure the man and decide who to vote for on the results of his decisions.

I have disagreed with many people and presidents, but I have always respected their office. This man was elected by the majority. He is the President of the United States, If I don't like him... I wait four years and vote for someone else. If the  person I vote for doesn't win I don't say "*I don't recognize him/her".

Let's use this as an example: This has happened in our country.
"I don't believe the IRS has the right to collect money from me." I have heard people say this. What usually happens? Well, the IRS doesn't care if you don't believe in them, they will come after you anyway.

If I publicly threaten to murder you and your family what would you do? I'd get a restraining order and police protection. I'm just a simple citizen. It is my  right to protect myself. True?

Now, let's look at what President Trump has done. Again, no politics,just reasoning....
He has been threatened, his head has been chopped off by a comedian, he has been persecuted and lied about, his family has been threatened. His young, innocent son has been  bullied and threatened.. His family has been refused service in restaurants, people that work for him have had their lives threatened. What has he done? Nothing. He has not issued arrest warrants for disrespecting the office of The President. He has not filed restraining orders against Congress and everyone who has slandered him. He has not taken people to court or called the police when threats were made against his life.

I"m not like the President. If you threaten my son...I will take action. I will protect him, I will call the school, I will call the police and I will file a restraining order against you. You would never see my son again. If you threatened my family I would do anything within my power to protect them. If you told people on live television that you thought I should be murdered....I would sue you for attempted murder. I would have proof to lock you up. You said publicly that you wanted to MURDER me. I"m not okay with that.

If I didn't agree with your office policies  I would not threaten your life..

Do you see how absurd this whole thing is?

People have threatened to kill our president. What has been done? Nothing.
Our congress has chosen not to work for the past three years. Can we cut their pay and charge them for all the committee meetings, hearing and public bashing that they have engaged in? No. I would like a tax refund from every  person that has neglected their job. I don't care if you don't like your boss, You were hired BY ME to do a job. If you don't do that job. You get fired by me.

This is ridiculous. Whether I agree with this president or not, I will never threaten his life. I certainly will not do it publicly and I certainly would not make up lies to fit my narrative. What's wrong with this picture?

WHY? Have we been sitting in a room of dissatisfied adults who are throwing tantrums because they did not get their way, threatening a government official, committing treason, trying to "buy votes" by telling "Illegal Immigrants" that they can vote and have free stuff when my child is suffering and my family is going without. Who is paying for said people to live here.? I am and my child is doing without.

I heard a commercial the other day and was literally shocked.. "I'm going to give people a free education." Umm.. we already have  free education. I, pay taxes so that other people's children can have an education. I pay taxes so that congress can do their job. I did not vote for one congress person to become a judge. I did not ask one of them to make up their own rules. There is this thing called "Law" it applies to everyone....everyone.

I'm sure, if anyone reads this they could say, "You are simplifying this?" Am I?

Did the remarks about black people offend you? They should. What would you do about it if I really believed and printed such remarks. Would you offer me more money to say them out loud and broadcast this opinion:? .

Whether you like President Trump or not you have two choices...wait for the next election...which is next year people...vote against his policies. Either way you'd be doing your job. Harassment of any employee is against the law. ANY EMPLOYEE. This man is working without pay....argue all you want, Every president has not only,,taken a salary, but has enjoyed every benefit of the office. I honestly can't tell you which president played golf the most. I can tell you which ones worked and which ones didn't do their job. They have had fund raisers while working for me, they have raised millions of dollars for their speaking to the pubic...all while I'm paying their salaries, I'm fed up with all of it.
VOTE or shut up.
As for me, I"m taking names of all of these people who are wasting My money and I will never hire them again, What about you? Feel free to leave comments, but please make sure they are rational arguments that prove a point, Otherwise, stop talking.


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