Review of Adult Coloring Books

I keep my! Let me tell you a few things about adult coloring books.

I really can't advise you as to which coloring book is the best, but I can tell you what to look for in a coloring book. The paper is the key ingredient. Aren't they all the same? No. I have one by the manufacturer "Crazy Art" that will not take the color. It's full of beautiful pictures, but I have to work really hard to get the color to transfer to the paper. Now, if you're using markers, this is probably a plus as it may not absorb the color to the extent that other paper will.

However, I have found it clearly frustrating to have something to help me relax only to be frustrated by it. 

I have books by: Jade Summer, Cherina Kohey, Dan Morris and New Seasons. These are all excellent coloring books. 

What's your pleasure? There are many different types of books. Some with dragons, some with hair,, yes you just color the hair (a beautician told me about that one) A lot cheaper than trying colors out on your

There are books full of musical instruments! I found one that had only electric guitars in it. I bought this for a friend because he's very creative and I don't think he's found a guitar that really suits him. This will let him create his own. Who knows where that will lead?

There are books with just random patterns, those are cool, but if you like order....don't do it! There is no order, just random shapes. My favorite (right now) is a book about "Butterflies and Flowers." If you know me that would be a captain obvious thing... I have one with hummingbirds and animals too.

I've heard people say, "I just can't do that, it would get on my lasts nerve." To which I'd have to agree until  I found "my style." I'd seen books with random shapes and lines and thought. "NO WAY". I would probably try to color each line a different color, probably overlap the colors and nevermind about random lines. 

I have since discovered two things. 1) I don't hang these on my refrigerator . 2) It doesn't matter if I miss the lines its the  motion that matters.  I am not creating art, I'm letting my mind freely flow with color and relax. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep with a book in my lap. 

I am an admitted insomniac, have been for years. If this helps me sleep and has no bad side effects....I'll take twenty. Matter of fact, when people ask me what I'd like as a gift, I say, "an adult coloring book with birds, flowers, nature, animals and now HAIR." How fun would that be?

If I had a date that I didn't want to go on I could actually say, "I'm coloring my hair" and mean it. Ha!
Not that it happens much at my stage in life, but that's a whole other story.

So, I've kept my promise! Color away!'

Oh I hear you in the back row, "Isn't that for children?" To which I say, "no." That's why they are called "adult coloring books." How cool would it be to sit by the ocean with an adult coloring book and just add color to the page?

I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that they make cases for adult colorers. They even come in cool colors. This one is purple, but it comes in black too.
I found these on for about $15.00 each. Decide what color you like, find out if it comes with pencils or without and what brand of pencils it comes with. (See previous blog about coloring pencils.) Determine how many pencils you want so you know what size holder to get.  Mine is ridiculous because I love varying colors. I think mine holds over 100 and every slot is full and I still have extras on my desk. 

Most of all, just have fun! It's not work, it's not boring, the lights don't flicker and keep you awake, the subject material shouldn't give you nightmares (although they do have some that are pretty strange). We're all looking down into the abyss of cell phones or up into the oblivion of a Television. Our brains need time just to relax and create and think without any input at all. The only decision you have to make is "Which color do I like and where do I want it!" Genius.



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