Who do you say that I am?

I've heard this scripture so many times, but it never really took on any profound meaning until my devotional time today.

I have been doing a lot of research on "agreement" and "I am" statements. 

Everything we are drawn to in our lives starts with an agreement. I am not speaking of trauma, or tragedy. Nobody wishes those things upon themselves. I am talking about your "I am" statements.

Jesus absolutely knew who he was, but he asked the questions anyway.

1) "Who do men say that I am?"
 Was Jesus looking for affirmation? No. You can't get any more affirmation than a dove descending from Heaven saying "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased".

Then he asks 
2) " Who do you say that I am?" 
Since I've been delving into my "I am" statements I started wondering if it was possible that Jesus wanted to hear his disciples 'You are" statements to see how connected they were with his heart? How well did they know him? 

 Could he have asked the question to challenge them to see who they knew him to be; from their own perspective?

So, let me run with this for a minute...

Somebody asked me what my "I am" statements were and I started listing off my "I do" statements.
Here's an example. First I am "I am a good student" Nope, That's what I do. "I am a good pianist" nope, that's also what I do. I really struggled with this. What do you want from me?

So, here are my I am statements now:
I am kind
I am loving
I am generous
I am faithful
I am loyal....

Do you see the difference?

If I connect with people who do not agree with those statements something inside me goes dormant and I begin questioning my motives and qualities. It is not healthy to question your own heart in this manner. David said, "Search my heart Oh God, see if there be any wicked way in me." God knows. David never said, "I am not loved by God," Even in his darkest hours he never questioned God's love for him.  Let's pretend David is being asked these two significant questions.

1) Who do men say that I am? Let's start with: Murderer, Unfaithful, insecure, rejected by his own father...the list goes on. Don't even ask Saul what he thought of David. I mean, he wanted to kill him and nearly did except God spared his life.

2) Who does God say that David is? God calls him; friend, a man after my own heart, a warrior, a worshipper...."

So, today, ask yourself, who are you surrounded by and what do they believe about your "I am" statements. Let God search your heart. He knows you. Let him dictate who you are, but you have to agree with his assessment even if it makes no sense.

Jesus asked his disciples "who do YOU say that I am?" Could he have been asking them to check their vision, their discernment and even their connection to him? I wonder.

I hear some of you say, "Jesus didn't need anybody!" Yes, he did. He needed a mother, an earthly father, he needed disciples and he needed friends. God himself needed us, as in you and me. Why do we see God as some being that is complete in himself. He is triune. He is Father, Son, Spirit and yet he  made us....human being, with a will that does not always coincide with his? Hmm...

We have the choice to say who God is to us.

What if "Search me and know if there is any wicked way in me" is talking about negative agreements?

I encourage you to pause and think about these ideas. Ask yourself these questions 1) "who do other people say that I am" not in comparison, but to see what you are agreeing with. 2) "Who do I say that I am?" Am I surrounded with people who are in agreement with who I am? 3) "Who does God say that I am?" No, really. He sees your heart, he knows you inside and out. There are no generic terms where God and man are involved. He created us to be individuals with the power to agree or disagree. Lastly, who have you been agreeing with and are you ready to make the necessary changes to find others who agree with your I am statements. They may be easier to find than you think.

Pause and think about it...


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