I can't cook!
Some people wait a lifetime to find their "niche". Do you know how I know? There's a song about it. "A moment like this." by Kelly Clarkson. I've tried a lot of things to find my "niche". I create art, in hats headbands and even teddy bears, but I just couldn't fine "IT!" People say that the thing you were born to do is right in front of you. Nope, I tried many things, they weren't my "niche". Tonight, I think I found it. If you read my blogs "Domestically Challenged", "Where Did I put the Potatoes?" and "What did the tomatoes say to the burnt beans?" You will see that cooking has NEVER been my thing. I don't really know why? It makes me very nervous. Growing up my mother and sister spent their time cooking and they would sweetly look at me and say, "Why don't you set the table?" Okay, that worked. Then I got engaged and I said, "here's the deal. I don...