Does anybody know what time it is?

“Does anybody know what time it is?”  I’ve heard that song by “Chicago” and thought “look at your watch  already”. Lol.

Today I’ve been considering  looking at that question with a new perspective: now and later. We all understand that there are seasons in life. It’s pretty obvious. But what about time?

For example I realize that it’s time to get out of debt. Why? Well, in all reality there will come a time when I may be unable to work. I need to recognize and prepare for that time.  Let’s say that I have 10 more years to work. That means I have ten years to get out of debt and prepare for the next season .

When I was raising my children it was time to prepare them for their futures and to meet their current needs. It was time  to prepare them to meet their own future needs. Did I do it Now that’s funny.

Do you know one thing I realized today ? It’s always “ time” for relationships. If we don’t make time for people, our lives will be void of  people in the future. We need different kinds of people for different “times” in our lives.

When I was a teenager I needed  “ people to hang out with.” As I got older I needed people to go to college with. There will always be a time when I need people to do life with.

We all have one common tie. One common need ...we need to invest. What we do now will meet a need we will have in the future.

In other words, If I don’t recognize the “time” I’m living in now I won’t invest in the things  I will need for my future.

What time is it in your world?


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