Where did I put those potatoes?

Cooking... (again). You know I can't make this stuff up. Here we go.

I was using my "air fryer". I watched a video on YouTube. What could go wrong?

I paid close attention, I sprayed the oil on after I put the chicken legs into the basket, I turned them every few minutes and they turned out wonderful. So, what's the problem, right?

Well, I also made mashed potatoes. They smelled amazing. They looked amazing and I was so excited.  I also like to clean up while I'm cooking. It makes for a lot less mess.

I'd finished the potatoes and was waiting to serve dinner so, "Hey, why not clean the floor up?" It  also a good time to rinse the dishes and prep them for the dishwasher. Doesn't it sound amazing?

So, after I  finished up the floor and the chicken was ready and the potatoes were ready...it was time to serve dinner.  I started looking for the mashed potatoes. Where did I put them? I mean, I saw the pot I boiled them in, then the pot I had rinsed after making sweet tea (always good by the way) and I had rinsed the air fryer. Where were the potatoes?

Then it hit me...They were still in the pot that I'd just used to rinse all the dishes in. Yep, soaking wet potatoes with tea and soap. NO!!!!

So, I ate the chicken, and I'm cooking the potatoes again. No harm, no Fowl (?)


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