Somebody fight for me!
Have you ever felt like this? You've fought for other people and now you need someone to fight for you, but you don’t see anyone?
I was thinking about the people in the Bible that came to Jesus with that kind of honesty. They were people who were willing to do what they could but they couldn’t meet their own needs
The man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him if he wanted to be well. How do I know that he’d done all he could do? It wasn’t doubt that caused him to answer Jesus by saying,”yes, but I have no one to help me.” You see the man only knew of one kind of help. He knew that when the angel stirred the water people got healed. So, he did what he could do. He got as close to the water as possible. Do you realize that Jesus did not rebuke the man by saying, “ well if you had more faith you could get to the pool by yourself!” Sometimes we hear the scripture that way, or at least I have had the underlying thought that Jesus was unhappy with what the man was doing. Now that I look at it differently I can see that Jesus was doing a “faith check up”.
He asked the man,” do you want to be well?” The man said that he did, but that he couldn’t get healing the way he had faith to be made well.. The man believed that if he could get to the pool he’d be well. That’s faith. He was also determined because he kept sitting by the pool waiting.
Sometimes I feel like I’m sitting by that pool waiting for someone to come and help me into the water. I have faith that God can perform a miracle but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about it.
How literal is the Bible? The Bible states that we are to :ask, seek and knock (ASK). Those are all action words. They are my part. So I look at it as me going to the source and seeking His plan for my life.
Honestly, sometimes I don’t know His plan. The man at the pool fully believed that the angel would stir the water and if he could just get there in time , he’d be well. He was acting on his faith.
Jesus did something very cool. He met the man at the place of his faith and told him the next step. The man said that he wanted to be healed, he told Jesus the obstacle and Jesus gave him further instructions. He said , “take up your bed and walk.” The man hadn’t been given those instructions before. He didn’t know that action was available to him. It took one more step of faith.
Jesus didn’t try to preach to him or tell him he was wasting his time. He simply provided the next step.
Every day that we walk with Jesus is one step closer to him. I’ve cried out to the Lord, “I’m fatherless, I am single, I can’t do more than what I can do”. Today I don’t hear him scolding me and saying, “ well, if you had faith and just did this one more thing... I could help you.”
I see it as me doing what I know to do and Jesus walking up to me and saying, “ that’s all good, but here’s the solution.” Jesus never went to anyone who was seeking him and said "Tada!". He didn’t bust down the door for the woman with the issue of blood. She sought him out and took one more step. She said, “I’ve heard about him and all the miracles he’s performed. My situation keeps me from coming to him. But if I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be well.”
ASK. Do what you know to do and when it isn’t enough say to Jesus, “ I believe in what I’m doing, but it isn’t enough” “ meet me where I am and finish the work”,
Can I be humble enough to say “ I can’t do this by myself?” “ I am totally dependent on you,” to Jesus and wait for him to add instructions to what I’m doing to see the desired result? In the Old Testament a man was told to dip in the Jordan 7 times. Don’t you think that took faith? He had an action placed before him and a choice to do it or not. The man at the pool could have said, “ I can’t “. The man at the Jordan could have said? “That’s ridiculous and I won’t “ but they didn’t.
What do you need today ? Are you ASK(ing) but feel like something is missing? By faith believe that Jesus will give you the rest of the instructions in order to get what you need.
Participate by ASK(ing) and look to him for the rest. He will meet you where you are. He loves you.
“Jesus, I’ve come this far. I have a need and I’m doing all I now to do to meet that need, but it isn’t enough. I can’t do this without you”. Then listen and watch and trust him to meet you where you are, he knows where you are, he knows what you need and all you have to do is ASK, then actively wait.
“ I waited on the Lord and he heard my cry”... He will deliver me. All he wants to know is where is my faith, do I have any and he wants to direct me to that source or place that he already has planned for me.
One last thought. When Peter walked on the water and began to sink Jesus didn’t look at him and say,” I guess you’re going to drown because you got distracted". He simply held out His hand and they walked together. Jesus Christ met peter where he was. Surely he’ll meet us where we are. I encourage you today to be active and to say, “I don’t have anyone to help and I don’t know what else to do then watch because he will meet you where you are. He is God, he is kind and he wants the best outcome for you.
Be honest, admit your shortcoming and wait on him. He is faithful that promised. He is.,,
I was thinking about the people in the Bible that came to Jesus with that kind of honesty. They were people who were willing to do what they could but they couldn’t meet their own needs
The man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him if he wanted to be well. How do I know that he’d done all he could do? It wasn’t doubt that caused him to answer Jesus by saying,”yes, but I have no one to help me.” You see the man only knew of one kind of help. He knew that when the angel stirred the water people got healed. So, he did what he could do. He got as close to the water as possible. Do you realize that Jesus did not rebuke the man by saying, “ well if you had more faith you could get to the pool by yourself!” Sometimes we hear the scripture that way, or at least I have had the underlying thought that Jesus was unhappy with what the man was doing. Now that I look at it differently I can see that Jesus was doing a “faith check up”.
He asked the man,” do you want to be well?” The man said that he did, but that he couldn’t get healing the way he had faith to be made well.. The man believed that if he could get to the pool he’d be well. That’s faith. He was also determined because he kept sitting by the pool waiting.
Sometimes I feel like I’m sitting by that pool waiting for someone to come and help me into the water. I have faith that God can perform a miracle but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about it.
How literal is the Bible? The Bible states that we are to :ask, seek and knock (ASK). Those are all action words. They are my part. So I look at it as me going to the source and seeking His plan for my life.
Honestly, sometimes I don’t know His plan. The man at the pool fully believed that the angel would stir the water and if he could just get there in time , he’d be well. He was acting on his faith.
Jesus did something very cool. He met the man at the place of his faith and told him the next step. The man said that he wanted to be healed, he told Jesus the obstacle and Jesus gave him further instructions. He said , “take up your bed and walk.” The man hadn’t been given those instructions before. He didn’t know that action was available to him. It took one more step of faith.
Jesus didn’t try to preach to him or tell him he was wasting his time. He simply provided the next step.
Every day that we walk with Jesus is one step closer to him. I’ve cried out to the Lord, “I’m fatherless, I am single, I can’t do more than what I can do”. Today I don’t hear him scolding me and saying, “ well, if you had faith and just did this one more thing... I could help you.”
I see it as me doing what I know to do and Jesus walking up to me and saying, “ that’s all good, but here’s the solution.” Jesus never went to anyone who was seeking him and said "Tada!". He didn’t bust down the door for the woman with the issue of blood. She sought him out and took one more step. She said, “I’ve heard about him and all the miracles he’s performed. My situation keeps me from coming to him. But if I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be well.”
ASK. Do what you know to do and when it isn’t enough say to Jesus, “ I believe in what I’m doing, but it isn’t enough” “ meet me where I am and finish the work”,
Can I be humble enough to say “ I can’t do this by myself?” “ I am totally dependent on you,” to Jesus and wait for him to add instructions to what I’m doing to see the desired result? In the Old Testament a man was told to dip in the Jordan 7 times. Don’t you think that took faith? He had an action placed before him and a choice to do it or not. The man at the pool could have said, “ I can’t “. The man at the Jordan could have said? “That’s ridiculous and I won’t “ but they didn’t.
What do you need today ? Are you ASK(ing) but feel like something is missing? By faith believe that Jesus will give you the rest of the instructions in order to get what you need.
Participate by ASK(ing) and look to him for the rest. He will meet you where you are. He loves you.
“Jesus, I’ve come this far. I have a need and I’m doing all I now to do to meet that need, but it isn’t enough. I can’t do this without you”. Then listen and watch and trust him to meet you where you are, he knows where you are, he knows what you need and all you have to do is ASK, then actively wait.
“ I waited on the Lord and he heard my cry”... He will deliver me. All he wants to know is where is my faith, do I have any and he wants to direct me to that source or place that he already has planned for me.
One last thought. When Peter walked on the water and began to sink Jesus didn’t look at him and say,” I guess you’re going to drown because you got distracted". He simply held out His hand and they walked together. Jesus Christ met peter where he was. Surely he’ll meet us where we are. I encourage you today to be active and to say, “I don’t have anyone to help and I don’t know what else to do then watch because he will meet you where you are. He is God, he is kind and he wants the best outcome for you.
Be honest, admit your shortcoming and wait on him. He is faithful that promised. He is.,,