I can't cook!

Some people wait a lifetime to find their "niche". Do you know how I know? There's a song about it.
"A moment like this." by Kelly Clarkson.
I've tried a lot of things to find my "niche".  I create art, in hats headbands and even teddy bears, but I just couldn't fine "IT!"

People say that the thing you were born to do is right in front of you. Nope, I tried  many things, they weren't my "niche".

Tonight, I think I found it. If you read my blogs "Domestically Challenged", "Where Did I put the Potatoes?" and "What did the tomatoes say to the burnt beans?" You will see that cooking has NEVER been my thing. I don't really know why? It makes me very nervous.

Growing up my mother and sister spent their time cooking and they would sweetly look at me and say, "Why don't you set the table?" Okay, that worked. Then I got engaged and I said, "here's the deal. I don't cook. I'll clean all day long and even mow the grass, but I do not cook." He was so sweet. He smiled at me and said, "It's okay, I do!" What? This must be the perfect man for me. He can cook.

Throughout the years I discovered that there were some things that I could cook well. For example, I make the best Chili... I  make amazing Vegetable beef soup and  Lasagna.

Every now and then I'd sneak in the kitchen and cook and people were "surprised". It was perfect. Until I got unmarried. No one to cook for me. I was "super woman" at gardening, laundry and my house was always clean, but what to eat? I tried...I really did. Just like tonight...I tried.

It just wasn't my "gifting" (as some people like to say about things they are good at). I can play the piano and sing (see my YouTube videos) I write songs, blogs, I create....but it wasn't really my "thing" Not that thing that makes you money or famous or anything. Tonight I found out what my "Niche" is. It's been there all along!

After I wrote my blog, "Where did I put the potatoes" it dawned on me. "Cooking" That's my niche. YES! Not that I could give anyone advice or create masterpiece recipe's. Nope, mine is much more specific. If you know of anyone who struggles to cook,  my "niche" is for them.

When people read it they can say, "Honey, I burned the beans, but hey, read this...." I mean, who else do you know that has the ability to cook a nice meal and wash the dishes in the mashed potatoes and not even notice?

So, these will be labeled "cooking 101". If they don't make me rich or famous, I certainly hope they make you laugh.



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