Life is a song...

As I watched the Rose parade today with its theme “life through music” my brain went into overdrive. Please sing along if you know the words.

So, I’ve had some “interesting “ dates since I became unmarried 9 years ago this month. Let’s just say that only one made it past the second date. It’s not that I ask for a lot... it’s just that crazy is out there and I’m allergic.

My last date made it through to date number 7. Things were looking up. I was honest and straightforward with who I am and what I want out of life and he didn’t run. He talked about his life and I didn’t run. It was good

The first song we heard together was,  “If it’s meant to be it will be.” Ok. Sounded good. One date at a time. There was hope but no pressure. He was cute and kind and interesting.. that’s all good.

I had no idea what the next song in this story would be. Then it happened.  He contacted me, but it was a little strange. He was telling me that he was going out of state to do some work. Okay... he already worked out of state and came back to my city on weekends.  I wasn’t thrilled, but I never expected the next part.

If I were to choose a song to describe this next part it would be Nat King Cole’s song, “unforgettable,” except a few of the lyrics would be different. Let me explain. Imagine Nat singing “unforgettable “ to someone he really loved except with these words...

“So forgettable, that’s what you are. So forgettable, both near or far. That’s why darling (what was your name again?)  it’s incredible that someone so... forgettable... thinks that I’m forgettable too.”

There you have it. One relationship summed up in two songs. You see, after our last conversation, which he started, I never heard from him again.

I was worried. It was so unexpected. I contact a mutual friend and they basically sang my rendition of “unforgettable “ and told me he’d left the country. What?

Well. I’m choosing my own songs for 2019. I will hold onto “if it’s meant to be it will be” but I’m adding “Play that funky music, White boy.” Why ? Because “I hope you dance,” “don’t cry for me Argentina” and “Un-break my heart” are officially off the list.

I hope that your 2019 is full of music , so choose wisely. “Life’s a song turn it on”  lol!


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