I did it and I’m not sorry!
I bought two pink t-shirt dresses for my youngest granddaughters. I like to add buttons and stuff to them. It makes them mine... plus, they can’t take them back...he, he. No, really I just enjoy doing it. So, as I was sewing things onto the one dress I realized that the other one was just a t-shirt. “ NO!” So I thought about it , Then I saw that I had some pink fabric. You see the problem was that I had no idea how to add a skirt to a t/shirt. You see, words like “fabric” and “sewing” have only been introduced to my world in the past few months. Reference “domestically challenged “ blog. Needless to say I don’t know what I’m doing. I just make it up as I go along. Anyway, so I cut the fabric the length I wanted the skirt to be. I decided that I needed to add elastic or the poor child wouldn’t be able to get in or out of it. Yes, made it up as I went along. So, here’s the part not to tell my mother... just kidding... I actually sewed a skirt to the...