Just put the cell phone down!

So, I have dealt with insomnia for many, many, many...did I say Many? Years. It's gotten much better over the years, but still... blissful sleep has eluded me.

Recently I watched some Youtube videos on successful people. I noted some common themes and I thought I'd share them with you today.

Successful people do not do this:
Keep their cell phones in their room at night
Check their messages, email or Facebook until after they have exercised and prepared for the day.

Could it make that much of a difference? I wondered, so I gave it a try. Two nights ago I kept my cell phone out of my room. I had it in another room, used my regular alarm clock and slept like a baby! Not a screaming baby, a content baby. Plus I woke up earlier, more refreshed and peaceful. My days have been more focused as well.

So the next thing successful people do daily is :
Set goals for the day!

It seems that our brains have a limited supply of decision making time available. If we use that time unwisely we will get "foggy brain." WHAT?

Yes, so, the most successful people make decisions for the next day, the night before. I'll give you an example. One person lays out their clothes for the next day and decides to exercise before he does anything else.

He said that the body simulated emotions and it can't be in a depressed state while exercising. Have you ever noticed posture of depressed or sad people? It's kind of hunched over, shoulders slouched, as if they were trying to ward off some kind of pain. Well, it seems that, according to my research, that composure tells your mind how to feel. It makes everything worse. So, if you exercise and keep in motion your body doesn't have the ability to "act" depressed.

I'm not saying this cures depression, but I'll take any kind of help that I can get. So, I have several breaks at work. I've decided that I'm going to walk every break and I have been doing it. I've lost about 5 pounds and that's all I've changed. I knew that sitting a lot could cause the "middle aged spread" lol. and I wanted to avoid that. If you don't know what the middle age spread is, let me explain. The more you sit, the wider your butt gets. Yep, it's a thing!

So, this is my second day without the phone in my room. The second day that I haven't checked my email or social media until I was ready for my day. Guess what? I've slept wonderfully. Guess what else? I've been waking up earlier with a clearer brain. No nightmares either..

Matter of fact last night I only had 6 hours of sleep. I woke up with the desire to go for a  walk. So, Lincoln and I took a pretty long walk. I came home and went back to bed for about an hour and woke up feeling wonderful! Lincoln also is happy about the walking thing.

Lastly, successful people set goals. I've heard that like a bajillion times! I've set goals....I finished college, then a university, I have a job, I'm making hats, Youtube videos and blogging. But I didn't feel like I had any real goals to achieve; I had "doings" but not "beings".

So, this morning I sat down with my journal and started talking to the Lord about my goals. Guess what? I have some! I was surprised. They look real on paper, in my mind they just looked like wishes or hopes. Nope, they are goals.

So, if you learn anything from this blog it's summed up in the following thoughts:

Leave your phone alone! Prepare and decide for the next day. Exercise because you need to, get passionate about it...your sleep, and the health of your mind depend on it, Lastly, write down your goals. Do NOT number them, do not organize them, just write and you'll be amazed at what your brain would like to tell you.

Oh, just because.. I've decided that I want a Trike aka Motorcycle with three wheels. I want it to be pink and I want to put streamers on the handle bars....Bet you never thought about that. I hadn't . Also, I really want to own a horse. It matters.  So, if I accomplish my goals I'll have the money I need to get what I want. Who knew!

Have a great day!


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