Who do I say that I Am?

I find it interesting that God uses ,”I Am” statements. God says “I am that I am”. Jesus also uses “I Am” statements. He said, “I am The way, the truths, the life “. How do we define ourselves?

What are your ,” I am” statements? When you start describing yourself what words do you use? Does it sound something like..,” I’m fat/skinny”? “Short/ tall? Smart/educated, ignorant, lazy, frustrated, too young/ too old? “. If these are the statements you use to describe yourself I wouid like to offer some alternatives.

Every phrase mentioned above has one common theme... they are perspectives that can be changed.
“I hear you say, “I can’t change my height? If I’m short, I’m just short!” So, let me ask you this....who are you comparing your height to and does your height define you?”

I’ve met and dated men that had the “ I’m short” mentality. Guess who suffered from their acceptance of their limitations? Everyone who wanted to have a relationship with them.  Yep, once you define yourself by your limitations that limits your expectations. If I limit myself because of my height then I’m comparing my worth to that of someone else. Honestly, when I go on a date, height is not what I’m looking for .  There are less than “tall “ men that are giants in other areas.

If you define yourself by your weight you will never be satisfied. There will always be someone “better or stronger” than you are.

Do you define yourself by what you do for a living? Does your job dictate who you are? Do you say things like, “I’m just a...”. “I’ll never be more than....?”  If so, let me ask you this....when will it be enough? When will you be enough? And who is the “enough “ model that you are using to determine your value?

I wouid define the perfect man using these words, “ kind, generous, faithful, fun, patient, joyous, full of life, responsible, trustworthy, in charge of his health and emotions...”. Do you see the difference? Tall, dark and handsome are all outward features that are subject to change.

Do you remember the cutest guy in your school? Do you remember the guy you thought was a “nerd, a loser?”  Usually, the “ guy” that had it all together saw no need to improve upon himself...so, usually he won’t.. If his appearance changes, his identity is likely to change. What about the guy that was characterized as a “nerd?” What made him a nerd? Is it his level of intelligence? Nerds usually study more than “ perfect” guys do. Nerds are more focused on their future than their present. They go from challenge to challenge and they refuse to give up or allow anyone else to define them. Nerds rule the world!

I’m looking for a man that has courage, he’s faced giants and he’s won or in the process of winning. I want a man that knows himself, trusts himself, believes in himself and honors himself...he keeps his word. He has integrity.  I want a man who willingly provides for himself and is generous with his family.  This man will be confidant, sincere, honest, loving and kind. I believe he exists.

So, who do you say that you are? Define yourself by your decisions, your character, your inner attributes.

Here are my “I am” statements: I am; determined, kind, generous, loving, accepting, easy to be around, honest, full of grace, trustworthy, gentle... you see, those characteristics are the things that I have become. They are my choices, they result from my life experiences. They won’t change because that’s who I am.

Here are the choices I face .... I could describe myself as, “ imperfect, broken, defective, not good enough, etc,” I could decide that I’m unlovable or that I’m unworthy of love. Those are all words one would use to make temporary statements into permanent attributes.

Do I have struggles? Of course. Do I have days when I feel like I’m “ less than?” Absolutely. But I’ve stopped defining myself by those temporary terms. Can you do that?
Can you change your value by your choices? Can you define yourself by your character?

I challenge you to listen to who you say you are. What are your “ I am” statements? What would you like them to be? It’s your choice to live from what’s inside you rather than what has happened to you, who is around you, or who you thought you’d be.  Write down your “I am” statements. Be courageous. Beauty is inside of you. Beauty is who you are, not what you look like. Beauty is an attitude, confidence, character...  Take a minute and define yourself. If you don’t like what you see...if you don’t like who you’ve become, you can change it. It takes work, encouragement from others and sheer determination, but you can become the “I Am” that you want to be.
I wish you love, I wish you joy, I wish you peace. I wish you success, I wish you satisfaction. I wish you true happiness. What do you want for you?


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