I did it and I’m not sorry!

 I bought two pink t-shirt dresses for my youngest granddaughters.  I like to add buttons and stuff to them. It makes them mine... plus, they can’t take them back...he, he.  No, really I just enjoy doing it.

So, as I was sewing things onto the one dress I realized that the other one was just a t-shirt.  “ NO!”  So I thought about it , Then I saw that I had some pink fabric. You see the problem was that I had no idea how to add a skirt to a t/shirt. You see, words like “fabric” and “sewing” have only been introduced to my world in the past few months. Reference “domestically challenged “ blog.  Needless to say I don’t know what I’m doing. I just make it up as I go along.

Anyway, so I cut the fabric the length I wanted the skirt to be. I decided that I needed to add elastic or the poor child wouldn’t be able to get in or out of it. Yes, made it up as I went along. So, here’s the part not to tell my mother... just kidding... I actually sewed a skirt to the t-shirt and it ( almost) looks like it came that way. I bunches it up, put elastic in it, trimmed the bottom and put a lining in the skirt!  All the while having absolutely no idea what I was doing!

I thought it was ironic because I’ve only made two dresses in my life. One survived and one didn’t. I learned a lot and I may continue in this “thread” of events. (Pun intended).

I hope my daughter is proud and I hope my granddaughter likes it. My sewing ego is fragile, so please don’t tell me if you don’t like it!

By the way, if you’re wondering how in the world I’m getting stuff done, let me tell you that it’s 1:27 am and I’m writing to you.

Do you think the world is a better place because I’m learning to sew? Probably not, but I’m enjoying it. “ it’s never too late to do something, unless you’re dead!”

Enjoy your life, you only get one.


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