Slaves vs Servants

Guess what? In this life there are many choices. We can either live on this earth as slaves or servants. What’s the difference you may ask? I mean both are work related, right? What difference does it make?

I’m glad you asked. I’m going to lay this out pretty matter of fact so there will be no misunderstanding, I’m going to describe the life of a slave and I’m not pulling any punches or apologizing for what I’m going to say. It is the way it is (was).

Let’s define slaves: obligated BY FORCE! Nobody is a slave voluntarily, People did not go to the continents and ask people, “Hey! This would be fun! We’re going to make you work. We aren’t going to pay you, We may or may not feed or clothe you and by the way, if you try to leave we will inflict bodily harm upon you, One ore thing, We’re going to separate you from your family and your tribe and your nation, Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful opportunity? PS, If your strong..we will sell you...

So, servant? If I work for you I demand payment in one form or another and you will oblige me. I have a choice in the matter. I can quit or leave and still be a free individual. A slave will never be free to make his/ her own decisions. Servants make decisions all the time.

Do you know that there were servants during times of slavery. In order to come to the US, people would make a contract with an individual. If you’ll pay my way to America, I’ll work for you for X number of years.  After that, they were free to go.

Let’s talk about a process we all go through now. We go from servant to slave.  We make a choice to use something as servitude then we realize that we can't leave. What am I talking about?

Fair question. So, if I decided to take up smoking, it’s my servant at my command and I’m receiving some sort of benefit. Maybe it’s helping me relax, maybe it’s helping me escape stress, maybe it’s giving me a reason to separate myself for a while? Maybe it’s a signal to those who smoke that they can be friends with me? In any case, the person smoking gets a benefit.

I’ve never smoked. Not a statement of pride because smoking is not a sin...what? Nope, there isn’t any place in the Bible that says, “Thou shalt not smoke.” Plus if we all followed the biblical laws we would most likely have been stoned to death. Yep. God hates lying, gossip, slander, gluttony...yep. Guilty...right? But he doesn’t mention smoking.

I have a very good reason not to smoke. My lungs would literally kill me....great deterrent by the way. Recently I had a very stressful day at work....very stressful....I went out on my break and literally said, “ if I could smoke. I’d start today.” So, I get it.  No condemnation or judgement here. Not my job to judge.

So, when does a servant turn a person into a slave? How does that transformation occur? Since we’re talking about smoking....let’s use that as an example. So, let’s say someone stars smoking because of peer pressure, or stress relief, as stated above.  A day of reckoning comes.  Most people aren’t even aware it has happened until the one day they can’t stop smoking.  Now, what was a servant has made the person a slave.

When I made my comment about taking up smoking, do you know what those that smoke said to me, “ don’t do it!” Well, if it brings pleasure why would anyone advise against it?  Because those people had the information I’m sharing with you...they can’t quit. The thing that once brought satisfaction now has consequences. Enter slavery.

Remember my analogy of slavery? Well, cigarettes lure a person with the offer of freedom from something. It even may offer you benefits. But then comes a day when you have to choose between cigarettes and food, or any other need that presents itself. Slavery demands that you buy the cigarettes and forgo food or any other necessity to satisfy its appetite. Now it’s labeled am “addiction “. Not fun anymore. Nope, mow it’s in charge.

So, let me get to the point. Be careful who or what you invite to serve you. Be careful of things that offer to serve you. It might be a trap! Traps usually come with warning signs. “If you do this X will happen!” Enter the opportunity for slavery,  “oh, that won’t happen to me! That only happens to other people.” Or “I can stop doing X whenever I want to.” Then it happens!

So, what’s the upside to this blog? What am I trying to tell you? First of all...slavery is cruel, produced some kind of suffering, obligation or it might separate you from others, demand attention. You no longer have a choice. You have become a slave!

Heed the warning signs. Apply them to you, personalize those warnings, take them seriously. When you become a slave to something you bend  your will to serve it first.

“What if it’s too late and I’m addicted to something ? “  Enter the name that demands that everything. Ow to it when used against all forms of slavery...Jesus.  The   Bike says that nothing can stand against the power of the name of Jexus. But I can’t just say it and magically I’m free. Nope,I have to replace my need for the addiction with a greater need for essence I must replace one addicton for another. It’s hard work. We didn’t become slaves overnight , it will probably take time to change addictive behavior.

What’s the difference between trying to quit an addiction without Jesus? There is no hope. There is no desire for something better. Jesus offers hope. He will help you if you ask. He will never be your servant, but he will never make you a slave either.  Freedom! You keep your will and gain benefits. It only costs you a decision. Who will I serve? Trust me, you will serve something. Why not serve Jesus? He offers lifetime + benefits. He offers hope on dark days he offers to be your peace and his requirement is: love! Love him, love yourself and love other people.

What will you choose today? What will you lay down at his feet in order to serve him and be free from slavery?  I hope I’ve given you something to think about. The choice has always been yours. The decision is yours.  Willingly serving someone who loves me orslavery to something that will harm me? Can it be that simple? What are you supposed to do? Surrender to love and Jexus will give you the power to conquer any addiction when you replace it for with hunger for him. Choose today who or what you will serve.  Is what I’m doing requiring I give up things that I love? Is it worth it? Something to think about.

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