Don’t make me go to Walmart!
I went on a search today. I thought I would easily find what I was looking for: a straw hat to decorate. How many of you would have joined me in a tour of the several local craft shops?Thats what I thought. I mean, I didn’t want pre-decorated hats. I wanted hats in the raw! I also wanted some bright colored ribbon! How hard could it be? Isn’t this summer...almost? You know, bold colors and straw hats. I guess nobody got the memo. You would have thought I was searching for gold. I was even willing to pay more than I normally do. I needed inventory! I went to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joanne’s, nothing. As I was walking through those stores searching for what should have been “ captain obvious” to well...I thought everyone... I met a lady looking for something similar. Neither of us could find what we were looking for. So, I looked at her and said, “ they are going to make me go to Walmart!” So, on my way home on a blistering June day...felt like ...