Don’t make me go to Walmart!

I went on a search today. I thought I would easily find what I was looking for: a straw hat to decorate. How many of you would have joined me in  a tour of the several local craft shops?Thats what I thought.  I mean, I didn’t want pre-decorated hats.  I wanted hats in the raw!

I also wanted some bright colored ribbon! How hard could it be? Isn’t this summer...almost? You know, bold colors and straw hats.

I guess nobody got the memo. You would have thought I was searching for gold. I was even willing to pay more than I normally do. I needed inventory!

I went to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joanne’s, nothing.  

As I was walking through those stores searching for what should have been “ captain obvious” to well...I thought everyone... I met a lady looking for something similar. Neither of us could find what we were looking for. So, I looked at her and said, “ they are going to make me go to Walmart!”

So, on my way home on a blistering June day...felt like July...I see a Walmart. So, I don't recommend this,   but I pulled through traffic like a race car and finally! Walmart land!  This one was not by my house, but it was in “craft town”.  So, I went in and searched... it seems that I pulled out in front of those people for no reason.  By the way, sorry if it was you. Nothing!

So. I headed back to the familiar; a Walmart by my house.  I had trecked between two cities...but by my house? One straw hat! Ugh! It was too big but I was too disgusted to argue with it.  So, I bought it, cut it down to size and put ribbon on it! So there!

Took me an entire hat I’m telling you.  So, after all was said and done....I had to go to Walmart. 

Now the irony is that I saw an add for September on the way home... seriously? Don’t we live in the present anymore guys? ( oh by the way, I’m from California so, everybody is “guys”. When I moved to North Carolina I decided that I’d, it became “y’all guys”. 

I don’t want to leave anyone out! My advice? Check Walmart first...  Merry Christmas! Too early, yep, I thought so too.  It seems that you can’t sell Summer. There are no ,” Happy Summer Days!” But don’t worry a new season is just around the’s called....Halloween.  Lol. 


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