Wait ...

No! People do not like tragedies! I don’t either,  but they will come. Your children may get off on the wrong path, they may make unwise choices, you will face failure.  But... what will you do?  Will you wait or will you fall?

Let’s talk about King Saul in the Old Testament. God asked him to do one thing... wait. He even told him for how long. He also told him what was expected at the end of his time of waiting.

Have you ever been in the midst of a time of waiting? You knew what was supposed to happen next. You knew the promise, but you couldn’t wait.

Welcome to the Bible   Saul, Moses, Abraham.. they all failed to wait. When we fail to wait there is a price. Jesus was even tempted not to wait. What? No really. Remember when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness?

Jesus knew the outcome of the cross. He would gain authority over the world.  There will be a day when all nations will bow and worship Him as King. What did the enemy offer Jesus on the top of that mountain? He offered Him an easier way. “If you will bow down and worship me,” said the devil “ I will give you the nations “. “Basically, you don’t have to suffer. Just give in to my way. It’s so much easier.” This was the temptation. Avoid the hard part.

So, let’s look at King Saul. He avoided the hard part... he didn’t want to wait. What happened? He lost the kingdom that God wanted to had given him. What about Moses? He was called to set Israel free! Wasn’t that the plan? Yes,  but he didn’t want to wait.; so he killed an Egyptian. What happened next? He ended up waiting in the desert for forty years. What about Abraham? He was supposed to be the Father of many nations. He got tired of waiting and sired Ishmael. He became a father, but of two nations that would always be at war.

Do you see the pattern? Saul kept his kingdom for a time, but he ended up losing the very thing God had given him: a kingdom. Moses ended up freeing Israel, but his inability to wait cost him 40 years. If Jesus had “taken the bait” and fallen down to worship the devil to escape the cross he would have missed his purpose... and my soul would have been eternally separated from God.

I almost want to ask God, “please don’t show me your purpose for my life, I might not be able to wait. “ But I won’t.  I will do what I’m supposed to do as I wait, I will prepare.

What if God showed you that you were supposed to be a musician and you did nothing?  Would that be classified as waiting? No. Waiting isn’t avoiding action. It’s staying the course until the desired result is reached.

So, in order to fulfill your destiny...wait, .practice and prepare. Be ready. Jesus prepared for the cross. He spent time in a garden and prayed. He waited. Moses  set Israel free, but it cost him a generation. (Israel remained enslaved  for forty more years). Abraham became the Father if many nations, but he lost a son and caused a never ending war,

Sometimes we have to wait, we have to practice, we have to prepare. In the Old Testament Joseph was forewarned that Egypt would face a famine. What did he do? He prepared and set aside food for the entire region that ended up saving many nations, including his own people....

So, if you know what you’re supposed to do... I have a word of advice, “ wait, practice and prepare.”


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