Oh wait! That already happened!

“If you aren’t ready to be criticized by people, You’re not ready to be used by God.” Craig Groeschel.
Wow, when I heard that I thought, "I can't handle it!" Then I realized, "Wait, that already happened!"

People will only criticize you for doing two things: Something or Nothing. Yep, if you do something you will offend someone. Like if you write a blog about your life someone will get upset about it. Tada! If you don't do anything...you just sit around and exist...then you're lazy and worthless.

Don't you ever want to look people in the eye and say, "WHAT?" Remember that old saying... "damned if you do, damned if you don't". It's true. Oh by the way...this message is brought to you by a mind that is being saved through knowing Christ. So, disclaimer...not perfect! Wow, now that we got that over with.

I'm going to make you a promise. I will offend you. Will I do it intentionally, probably  not? Will I do it anyway, pretty sure?

Then comes the but: "people will get mad,", "people will stop talking to me," "people will reject me or not understand." My answer is, "yes."

I began to understand that those things have already happened in my life. What difference did it make? I'm still here. I'm still writing blogs. I'm still telling stories. People will choose to do what people will choose to do.

What is it in your life that you aren't doing because someone threatened not to speak to you or to ignore or disown you about? Is it worth the risk?

Now, if it's something horrible that will hurt someone please DO NOT DO IT! But, if it's following your heart and living as I like to say, "OUT LOUD" and standing for your own beliefs and walking away from "the crowd" (even a Christian crowd.. uh oh), think about the price you will pay.

You will suffer rejection, but wait, you've probably already suffered that? You will suffer silence...wait, I bet that's happened too? You will suffer disapproval...wait.. you get my drift.

So, if you are willing to take a chance and live "out loud" and own your choices and live your life..be ready. But, "Oh wait, those things already happened!"


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