That’s it! I’m taking back my birthday!

Oh you think that’s funny do you? So do I. I’ll turn one year older when this is published. I have a new perspective and I thought I’d share it with you for my birthday.🎂

All of my life I thought birthdays were a secret. It was kind of like a game. If I didn’t tell you it was my birthday, but you remembered it... tada! You have proven that you love me. It’s funny how things sound when said aloud instead of just in your head.

A birthday card doesn’t make me any more or any less loved by the one who made me in the first place. You don’t win a prize if someone remembers and it doesn’t make you less alive if someone forgets.

So, for this.... insert number here...birthday... ha! I’m taking it back. This is my birthday! Wow! Mine!  God gave it to me! He gave me a life all those years ago today. He trusted me with it. He trusted me to find Him and then tell you about me finding Him.

So, in order to honor the giver of all life and to celebrate the trust He has in me... let me tell you that the King of the WORLD loves you. He was willingly  born on this Earth to prove His love for you.

If you don’t know Him... see my previous blog “ what are you talking about Willis?”  It’s just that easy and just that difficult. It’s a permanent change.

I’m making a permanent change to my thinking today! You are welcome to celebrate my birthday with me, but if you forget.... I won’t be any less loved than I was before.

Now I am human and I may have an attitude if you were either responsible for my birrth or couldn’t have been born without me, but otherwise... not so much!

Happy birthday! Welcome to mine! I hope you have one of the best “my birthdays” you’ve ever had!


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