
Decisions, decisions.... as life moves forward we often look back and see that what we once thought was actual fact was in reality only partially true.

The opinions you accept will determine your view of truth. I wonder how many people are involved in influencing your truth?

Childhood.... it’s a wonder that any of us make it out alive. There are contradictions at every turn. There are things I do at home that I would never do in public and sometimes there are things I go along with in public that I’d never do in my home.

So how are we supposed to know the “final answer?” Good question. My Bible even talks about knowing the right answer at the right time. Solomon said that there was a time for everything. Paul said there was a time when he saw and spoke like a child, then he grew up.

If I saw a 5 foot statue when I was only one year old I would think it was really tall. Especially if I’m only comparing it to me.  Let say that someone 6 feet tall stands beside a 5 foot  statue? Well the statue would look short.  Perspective.

We have to be careful when we draw absolute conclusions throughout our lives. We should make sure we have all the information available.

So, what’s my point? Exactly!

My truth and absolute opinion are based on the information I have available to me. I was driving down the road one evening with a new acquaintance and I remarked, “ isn’t it amazing that we can see the same moon in North Carolina that someone sees in California?” The person was shocked and started arguing with me. According to their information, there was more than one moon. I bet you’re saying, “well that’s just stupid! Everyone knows there is only one moon!”  Or even,  “ they should have known better!”

Maybe that person should have known better, but no one had entered the correct information into their knowledge base. The Bible even talks about sin. It states that he who knows something is a sin and does it anyway, to that person it is sin. The Old Testament mentions that it’s better not to be ignorant that something is wrong than to know it’s wrong and do it anyway. Peolle can’t be held accountable for information they don’t have.

So, why is it that some people are convinced that one way is wrong  and that another way is right ?  They can even be adamant about it. Well the obvious answer is that they have determined what sin is to them.

Let’s take culture as an example. Some countries allow their children to have wine with their dinner. If we did that in The USA it would be child endangerment. It could be the same exact wine, at the same exact table, even the same exact people , but there are now two different truths.

I can not... I was not given the right or responsibility to determine your final answer of truth about everything. There are constants because we’ve all agreed on them. We all, at some time and place, decided that red is red and purple is purple. If you aren’t aware of that certainty there are books and teachers that will instruct you. There are pictures and art... what kind of communication would we have if we all saw colors differently? How would we talk about “red lights,” or “ green lights “ if we hadn’t collectively determined those colors?

I am not encouraging anyone to go out and change the color scheme or to contradict common knowledge, but I am wondering why some of us determine what is truth for someone else and force them to accept it without proof? Who are we to judge? Do any of us have all the available information? Are we all the same age? Do we all live in the same culture?

The Bible also tells us that however we judge others will determine how we are judged.

Own your truth. Talk about your truth. But if I don’t see your truth yet, then just know that I’m not there yet.

The Bible states that Jesus is the truth. So, if He’s going to be my truth anchor I  need to get to know Him. The Bible says that you will know “The Truth”and “The Truth” will set you free.

Years ago the letters WWJD were very popular. “What Would Jesus Do?” I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. I have a new answer to that question, “ I don’t know yet.” What? Think about it. I read my Bible and I’m getting to know Him, but at this moment I don’t know what Jesus would do in every situation. He might turn water into wine, then He night spit in someone’s eye. He is the same , but He works differently in varying situations.

Don’t be afraid to say that you don’t know. Is it His will that everyone be saved? The Bible says so, but will everyone be saved? Sadly the answer is no. Does the fact that some will not be saved make the fact that God wants everyone to be saved a lie? No.

Examine your heart while I examine mine. The only fact that I know is true is that Jesus died and rose again for me (and you). I know that because I’ve been taught and because I’ve experienced Him. But if you don’t know Him to the degree that I do it doesn’t make your truth incorrect. It’s just incomplete.

I want you to meet Jesus. He’s all the things the Bible says He is, but do we really understand all of the Bible?  Be patient with people. Your truth will set you free, but your judgement will hold other people hostage. Let’s be truth seekers that realize that none of us know it all.

Let’s not judge according to our beliefs.  I am not asking you to participate in something that you know is wrong, I’m asking that we all give each other grace to ”just not know” yet.

We start with Jesus and the absolutes will come when we see Him face to face. The laws are agreed upon truths. The 10 commandments are absolute truths. Everything else falls somewhere in between. So before you judge someone else, which I do not recommend, make sure you have the final answer.


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