Guess what my sister's name is?

I have to give kudos to my little sister, Mary. It can’t be easy having a sister named: Barjeana . Our names match our personalities perfectly. I usually say that she’s country and I’m rock and roll . She’s the one that’s lived in the same area since she went off to college. She’s the one who rules...The World; Super Wife, Super Mother, Super Organizer, she can leap  tall buildings in a single bound and arrange the furniture on the top floor while she’s at it.

She either knows how to do things, knows who to ask, or where to find the information. Her and her wonderful husband have raised two exceptional young men.  They learned to drive tractors and they've always worked hard. They will both go far in life and I have to give my sister and brother in law a great deal of credit. They taught them to be self sufficient, to do whatever they did the best they knew how and to be ethical and courageous.

She was tenacious. Her tenacity often showed up as determination. For example, when we were growing up together she was determined to have her way. I was more laid back. When Mary made up her mind she stuck to her plan.

But when we were younger, the stories I could tell. Let me give you the best example of our unreasonable sibling rivalry.

 We lived in a very nice area and there was a dairy up the road. We’d collect bottles to take them back to the dairy and trade them in for candy. One day I didn’t feel like making that trek up the road but she was going. So my practical brain says, “Hey, why don’t you take my bottles with yours and get us both some candy?" You would have thought I asked her to visit the devil himself. She had her mind set that she was going to take her bottles and nothing else.  I could not figure out why she wouldn’t go with my plan. Our argument got heated very quickly. (Okay, reality check. She was 10 years old and I was 12).

Back to the story, There we were in the middle of the front yard fighting over her taking my bottles with her to the dairy.  Well it turned out that she had two advantages over me. One, she was taller and two she was the more determined. I was usually pretty agreeable, but I could not come up with one reason why she shouldn’t do things my way this time.

We ended up wrestling on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see. She got on top of me and threw that glass bottle.  Uh oh, the red headed monster came out to greet her. I was like the hulk only with red hair. I looked at her with the most intense glare and quietly, but sternly said, “ get off of me!” She knew I was beyond angry. She started trying to reason with me, well honey that boat had sailed. She done made me mad with a capital M. She started saying, “I’ll get off of you, but you have to promise not to hit me!” All I said was, “get off me now !” After a couple of rounds of that I’m sure that my  blue eyes were bugging out to meet her green eyes so she gently got off of me and.well, as you can imagine, I hit her.

Just then our parents drove up and we had a come to Jesus meeting. The " I’m sorry’s" and the "don’t tell mom and dads” flew around like desperate killer bees. So, we stood together with smiles on our faces and acted like nothing ever happened. Maybe it did and maybe it didn’t. We haven’t talked about it since then.

So there you have it. Mary and Barjeana. I have to give it to her for always being the pause in "Guess what my sister's name is?"


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