
Somebody fight for me!

Have you ever felt like this? You've fought for other people and now you need someone to fight for you, but you don’t see anyone? I was thinking about the people in the Bible that came to Jesus with that kind of honesty. They were people who were willing to do what they could but they couldn’t meet their own needs The man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus asked him if he wanted to be well. How do I know that he’d done all he could do? It wasn’t doubt that caused him to answer Jesus by saying,”yes, but I have no one to help me.” You see the man only knew of one kind of help. He knew that when the angel stirred the water people got healed. So, he did what he could do. He got as close to the water as possible. Do you realize that Jesus did not rebuke the man by saying, “ well if you had more faith you could get to the pool by yourself!” Sometimes we hear the scripture that way, or at least I have had the underlying thought that Jesus was unhappy  with what the man was doing. Now that

Depression. Don't tell me what I should do, tell me how you did it

Have you ever purchased a product that said its results were "guaranteed?" Well, what does that mean? Guaranteed if I follow your steps, guaranteed if I work really hard? I don't get it. Do you know the best way to share your relationship with Christ is not by using a Bible? It's through using your experience. People can argue with theories all day long, but they can't argue with results. Today I'd like to talk to you about depression and how I deal with it on a daily basis. I've been taught "coping skills" they help. Below is a list of "coping skills" that have helped me. 1) Talk to somebody 2) Take a warm bubble bath 3) Read a book 4) Watch something funny on TV or YouTube 5) Take a nap 6) Make sure you eat enough 7) Pray more often 8) Journal 9) Write a Blog Those are all EXCELLENT ways to cope with depression, but they do not cure depression. Depression is a chemical imbalance... period. It is a way of thinking about

Life is a song...

As I watched the Rose parade today with its theme “life through music” my brain went into overdrive. Please sing along if you know the words. So, I’ve had some “interesting “ dates since I became unmarried 9 years ago this month. Let’s just say that only one made it past the second date. It’s not that I ask for a lot... it’s just that crazy is out there and I’m allergic. My last date made it through to date number 7. Things were looking up. I was honest and straightforward with who I am and what I want out of life and he didn’t run. He talked about his life and I didn’t run. It was good The first song we heard together was,  “If it’s meant to be it will be.” Ok. Sounded good. One date at a time. There was hope but no pressure. He was cute and kind and interesting.. that’s all good. I had no idea what the next song in this story would be. Then it happened.  He contacted me, but it was a little strange. He was telling me that he was going out of state to do some work. Okay... he

But it sounded like such a good idea?

Have you ever heard a song that really inspired you? For example “Live Like You Were Dying”   I’m not 100% sure of the words but it goes something like this,” I went sky diving, Rocky Mountain climbing, rode 2.7 seconds on a bull named old man shoes”... I don’t teally get that last part.  What’s so special about a bull named “ old man’s shoes “?  Anyway, I have been craving adventure the past ... well... awhile. But there’s been nobody to “play” with. Nobody to ride horses with, four wheeler, do stuff outside the box of everyday living with. So my mom and I went to “Silver Dollar City “ in Branson, MO.  We had the usual plans, go to shows, see the Christmas tree lighting and watch a parade. Doesn’t that sound nice? But... when we walked through the turn stiles adventure called my name ,” mam have you taken our tour through the cave?”  I’d wanted to in the past but was never quite up to climbing down over 300 stairs. But adventure called my name. ( I guess my name was “mam” that

Yarn: the fabric of life?

So, what’s the worst possible and most frustrating thing about yarn? I mean, when used properly it produces soft and lovely products .  But... if you do this one thing wrong you can literally waste hours and end your day frustrated and feeling useless. I learned how to crochet. Yep, took a few times, but now I get it.   When I was growing up I was given a tangled up mess of yarn and I would spend hours untangling it and rolling it  into a ball. Why? I have no idea. But I proved that I was the most patient person in our family or maybe... the world! Lol!  If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have developed “super” patience.   So, back to my “yarn”. Yes, I just did that.  I bought some fabric to make what are called “lovies” for children in crisis. If you want to help with this cause there’s a foundation called, “Joy in the Cause”. You can find them online. It’s a great organization and it’s why I learned to crochet.  “Lovies

Adapt or die!

Every year I hear someone declare “A word for the year “. Many have been absolutely correct others just rhymed well.  So as I was praying and I asked the Lord what was one of the biggest problems facing the church (His body of believers) today. And I saw in my heart what I will call “decoy devils”. Decoy devils distract from the truth using a partial truth as an aversion. Let me give you an example. As I was growing up there was great debate about the validity of the “Living Bible” translation. I remember people literally saying ,” if the King James was good enough for Paul then it’s good enough for me!”  You think I’m kidding but I’m not. Let’s link this thinking. When people who used to ride the bus started to go by plane all they had to compare their experience to was a bus. So when one sweet lady with only a bus mentality purchased her first plane ticket she told the agent that she didn’t want to sit by a window because she’d just had her hair done. Well now most people are awa

Stop saying "I Told You So!"

 I've lived a life of "I told you so's". What I mean by that is people have always told me what I needed. Television offers to sell me what I need...whatever that is. I was told that I needed an education...check... I needed to get married...check....I needed a good job...check...I needed to be the best mother on the planet...not so much...check....I needed to be a good wife....not so much ...check...I needed to follow the rules...check...I needed to practice my music...check...I needed to give to those less fortunate than myself...check... I needed to try harder (anybody know what that means?)...check...I needed to unleash my creativity....check....I needed to get a next comes the tricky part. Here is a list of the things I'm not supposed to need: Someone to take care of me, someone to have fun with. I don't need to work outside, I don't need to work too hard, I don't need to go sky diving or zip lining or ride a four wheeler..

An Angel named Harold?

Merry Christmas! Last time I talked about depression. This time I want to talk about Christmas. It may be in a way you've never heard before, so prepare for a surprise. Most of us have heard the "Christmas Story", but how many of us have thought about the secret plan of God and all the restraint it took God to pull it off. He snuck a Savior into the world. He was so excited about it, but he couldn't tell anyone. Well, he did tell some "Wise Men." He also went into the fields and let the angels tell the shepherds secretly. The Wise Men were probably a little gullible. I mean, they went to a king to ask him where the New King was being born. Even if Herod had been a saint he would have been jealous or even felt threatened. Since Herod was not a saint he felt those things times one hundred. He was afraid and he was angry. So, he did what most people do when they are afraid or angry....he lied. "Oh, please tell me when you find this king so I can

Oh wait, it’s only depression

 Christmas brings great joy but depression often leaves its victim guilt ridden because they can not experience the same joy as others.That's why I titled this. “Wait, it’s only depression “.  Many people see depression as a choice, a phase, an inconvenience.  It's often dismissed, but depression is very real and is a horrible state of mind. Some people do not recover from it. When you experience something for a long period of time it becomes normal. Depression doesn't really go away. I know, there are miracles and medication, but unfortunately we live in a fallen world and when something has a hold on you, it really doesn't want to let go. The same thing is true of depression. It creates pathways in the brain and those pathways becomes more and more "normal".  When you don't feel depressed and you have felt depressed for a long time it's hard to believe that depression won't sneak up on you again. But guess what, the truth of the matter is tha

Surviving parenting

The past year has been very enlightening. Have you ever struggled with ideologies? Things you just knew were true... so true that they even defied common sense. Got your attention? We’ve all been given advice that we "shouldn’t" do things because they “can cause cancer”. I avoided all of those things and guess what? Got cancer anyway.  Was that my fault? Absolutely not. We live in a fallen world and one thing is certain... we’re all going to die. Don’t you feel better now?  I mean seriously who can live a “perfect “ life? What is “perfect”? I don’t know. For example let’s talk about parenting. If you are a parent then you will probably know the meanings of the words “guilt” and “regret”.  I think those are the two most tormenting words in parental language. “I wish I had or had not done”.  “I thought I taught them better than that” “They are having a hard time and if I’d only done....insert word here... they wouldn’t be going through this”. Guess what? You are both right