The breath factor
Honestly I’ve spent many years of my life hearing people repeat one particular word to me. . “What?” Followed by a frustrated, “I didn’t hear a you!” While I was growing up the philosophy that children were best seen and not heard was still a “thing”. Plus, being a preacher's kid, who could get a word in! Then there was the “breath factor”. Yes, now this is serious. Once I was getting ready to sing for a performance and my father told me that my breath smelled really bad. So, I asked him for a mint. Get this... he said,” no, that will teach you to buy mints when we’re at the store.” Well, really didn’t. What it did do was make me very self conscious about projecting my voice. So, when I was in front of a microphone singing and nobody could smell my breath “Super woman” voice came out. Get me in a closed space and “twinkle toes” emerged. It was a thing! Well in the past few months, as I’ve taken you along my journey I have noticed something ...