I wish you the ridiculous

I know I keep talking about this , but I just can’t help it. God’s love is ridiculous. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.

I have a few friends that I know cherish me. They love me just the way I am with the hope that I won’t stay this way. I know they have my back. I never wonder what they are thinking, they don’t condemn me and they don’t spiritualize my problems. I don’t have to beg their forgiveness and I never feel that I have to explain myself. I am truly blessed to have them in my life.

But I know that as much as they love me, it doesn’t compare to the love of  Christ.  He has my back in ways that I can’t imagine. He always thinks the best of me and when I’m wrong he gives me time to listen to his still small voice. If I’m angry he listens and waits because he knows that I’ll always come back to him. If I have a bad attitude he doesn’t reject me. Again, he waits. He doesn’t pout or get offended, he treasures me.  I respect him. I love him and the more I get to know Him the greater I love him. He’s given me grace for myself and  towards others.  He’s amazing !

I see things a lot differently than I used to.  I used to think that other people’s  problems were about me. Now I realize that I once was bound but now I’m free. I hope the same for others.

I want to love like he does and I treasure others who extend his love to me. I start today off with an unreasonably grateful heart.  I say unreasonably because I can not understand it. I am in awe of him.
I hope that every step you take today leads you closer to his love. I pray that you find forgiveness and complete comfort in him today. I pray that his grace will shine through you in the most difficult and trying situations. I pray that you have favor with people because you have favor with God,  I pray that you experience his love in a new way and that you know he is for you and it doesn’t matter if anybody else believes in you,, he does. He proved it with his life. I pray that his love overwhelms you and his comfort guides you through the day.

His love is ridiculous even when I’m ridiculous . Good news. Have an amazing day no matter what challenge comes your way.


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