Fact vs feeling

How do you know when you’re making a good decision? I’ve heard some people say “ I just had a feeling”.  Feelings are indicators and should not be ignored. “Well that’s just against everything I’ve beern taught. “

I’ve been told that feelings are liars. Yep, that if you feel like crying you should stuff it and be brave. That is so wrong. Feelings are indicators of what’s going on around you and even in your own mind.  Let’s take fear for an example.  There are healthy fears. Bet you never heard that before. I haven’t.

So, I’m afraid of snakes. Do you know why? They bite.  Also I don’t have enough information about snakes to know which ones are poisonous or not. I’m afraid of alligators. I don’t know any friendly alligators.  All I know about alligators is that they are sneaky. They will eat almost anything and like people. I mean to eat, not to have lunch with. Ha!

Let’s see, what else... fire, tornadoes, lightning, do you see my point? Fear is an indicator of danger. Fear in its healthy form keeps a person from being burned, bitten and out of danger.

Some people fear God. Some people say that it’s a good thing to fear God.  The Bible says that we are to fear God.

Well there are two kinds of fear with God as well. There’s a fear that he’s unpredictable and has it out for you.  Some people fear that he will strike them down... like with lightening. Some people even fear that he’ll ask them to do something they don’t want to do. I have a question for that one. If you’re afraid that he’s going to ask you to do something you don’t want to do,., let me tell you right now..,  he will. Will he make you do something? He can’t.

I hear you, “what do you mean he can’t? He’s God, he can do whatever he wants to.” Well yes and no.  He is a miracle worker. He can create something from nothing just by speaking. But. When you get to know Him, you gain the knowledge that he gave you a choice. You can choose not to do what he asks you to do,  but why would you?

Often we don’t realize that he has placed boundaries on his own power. He gave us a will. And he
respects your choices. But when you get to know Him you will realize that he has two motives. One is that he wants you free and two he wants other people to be free. He’s not out to get you.

Ive also heard people say that God will humble you. What does it mean to be humble? Well it’s your choice to honor something greater than yourself . It also means to respect and to understand ones own limitations. Like I fear the waves of the ocean, but I’m not afraid of them. I fear horses but I’m not afraid of them. Respecting the power of the natural things keeps me humble. In other words I am constantly reminded that that huge horse could crush or stomp me to death at any time. But I know how to handle  horses. I respect them but I will not tempt them to harm me.

I think that must be what Jesus meant when he said you shouldn’t tempt God? Just a thought . So I respect the ocean. It has more power in one crashing wave than I have in my entire body to resist it. My understanding that it is greater than I am keeps me humble.

So, here’s another thought. What if being humble is a positive thing? What if fearing is also positive? What if both words mean that I understand the power of and I respect its abilities? I also understand that they are greater than I am.

So I’m humbled by God. Not because he’s humiliating me. Uh oh! I think I’m on to something. I’m humbled because I understand his greatness and I respect his power.

I fear because of respect, but because I understand how to use that force to help me, I’m not afraid.

This is a whole new wau of thinking about things.

So, I fear God, but I’m not afraid of him. I fear fire, but I’m not afraid to cook with it. I am humbled by the ocean , but I’m not humiliated by it.  I am humbled by the greatness of God , but he has never humiliated me,

Use your emotions to gauge your surroundings. Use fear to understand your limitations, be humble and respect something far greater than yourself. But do not be afraid and never expect humiliation. Hmmm


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