Guess what my sister's name is?
I have to give kudos to my little sister, Mary. It can’t be easy having a sister named: Barjeana . Our names match our personalities perfectly. I usually say that she’s country and I’m rock and roll . She’s the one that’s lived in the same area since she went off to college. She’s the one who rules...The World; Super Wife, Super Mother, Super Organizer, she can leap tall buildings in a single bound and arrange the furniture on the top floor while she’s at it. She either knows how to do things, knows who to ask, or where to find the information. Her and her wonderful husband have raised two exceptional young men. They learned to drive tractors and they've always worked hard. They will both go far in life and I have to give my sister and brother in law a great deal of credit. They taught them to be self sufficient, to do whatever they did the best they knew how and to be ethical and courageous. She was tenacious. Her tenacity often showed up as determination. For example, ...