Spring. Time to set your clocks back?

Living in the Midwest has taught me a very valuable lesson. How to manage time. Now, I don't mean how to manage my life, although I am working on that. But I mean time...as in clocks.

Digital clocks are pretty much worthless here in Oklahoma. People joke about hating the time change. I have grown to hate setting the time...over and over and over...did I mention over again?

 I get all the clocks to agree on the same time, then comes a thunder storm. Suddenly all the digital clocks decide it is 12:00. Why is 12:00 the default time? And is it the middle of the night (12:00), or the middle of the day (12:00)?

I go to bed at night and all the clocks agree on the time. I get up and the digital ones are blinking in confusion even though the battery operated clocks have kept the time.

Do you ever feel like that? Maybe you go to bed knowing who  you are, what your purpose is and what you need to do the next day, then in the middle of the night something changes and the world is stuck at 12:00 and blinking rapidly?

I bet you understand what I'm talking about. Change is inevitable, but also undesirable. I hate changing my clocks because that means I have to get it absolutely right on every clock. Don't you just hate it when you have three clocks in the room and all three of them tell you a different time? They may be off by five minutes, but still. You're left to wonder, "What time is it?"

Life is a lot like that. Sometimes things are going as planned then comes a sudden divorce, job change, health change and all the clocks are off balance. Everything around you is blinking rapidly and you have no idea what to do, or which clock to fix first. And if you are so wise as to understand what time it really is, how do you know that time is right? What relevance do you use? What method of determining time is correct?

In this day of technology I usually check my phone to see what time it is. However, what if a magnetic field interrupts them  and all of my devices crash? How will I determine what time it is?

I have to find my reliable source. I can not depend on anyone else's watch or opinion about what time it is. No, I have been given the power over my clocks and I have to set them.

So it is in life. God has given us authority to see His truth. We set our truth according to His truth, not according to what someone else says is His truth. But what if we get it wrong? Relax, we will. But He can  fix it.

How do we determine the source? Well, first of all we have to get to know Him. He has given us places to look. He has given us the written word and even said that those words are the same as He. He says that He is the truth, the way and the life. He says that we can't come to God without Him.

He is the "world clock". He is our reality, He is our guide and foundation. But what if you don't know how to find him? What if google doesn't exist? What if you can't phone a friend?

I have learned that what is truth for some people is distorted according to their thinking patterns. Actually I have determined that my truth is distorted according to my thinking patterns. We are all trained in "truth".

So, if your clocks are all blinking 12:00 and you just don't know what to believe. May I introduce you to Jesus Christ. May I suggest that you open your Bible, His Words and learn His truth. He is the only one we can completely trust. When our journey is over on this earth, He will not ask us if we lived according to someone else's belief system. He won't judge us according to someone else's path.

So, I have to live like I believe. How do I do that? Well, I have two indicators and two mechanisms to determine truth. If what I believe does not agree with what God Himself has said in His word, then I have it all wrong. If what I believe causes me great discomfort in my heart and leads to confusion (ie., blinking clock)... then my truth is questionable.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I invite you today to "set your clock" by Him. All you have to do is ask Him to be the center of your life. Tell Him that you believe in Him. Tell Him that you believe Him. Ask Him to help your unbelief. Invite Him into your world.  Get to know Him. Becoming Christ like does not happen in a moment, it takes a life time. Getting to know Him is no different than getting to know anyone else....except...He always knows what time it is. His clock is always right. He will give you insight and wisdom and all you have to do is ask.

When you tell Jesus that you accept Him as your center, your truth, your reality something changes in you. No, you don't become perfect, no magic trick occurs, you might not even "feel" anything different. But, you will have decided. You will have decided to get to know Him. You will have decided to trust His truth and to put aside your own. It takes time, it's a journey...

Jesus is all God and all man. He gets you! He knows your heart and your mind. He knows your malfunctions and where your reset button is and if you trust Him your clock will always remain set on the correct time (truth).

I encourage you to open your mind, open your Bible and ask Him to come into your life and bring His truth, His reality. If you feel anything but love from Him after that...it's not truth. He is not in the business of condemning you, or making you feel guilty, or reminding you that you aren't perfect. No, that would be a waste of His time.

Life with Christ is a journey and sometimes our clocks get messed up. Sometimes they blink in confusion looking for someone to give them the correct information. I hate to tell you this, but He is the only source of truth. His Word is fact and He uses it to guide us to truth. There is no hate. Jesus does not hate someone who has a different view of truth. He longs for all of us to find Him, He hates the fact that we don't know what time it is and that we continue to search for the correct time in places other than in His care.

So, if you haven't met Jesus, let me introduce you to Him. He is loving, He is kind, He is patient...look up I Corinthians chapter 13. This is who He is. Set your life by His love and the rest will start to fall into place. You may have to set one clock at a time, (taking one truth at a time) but by the time you're done...by the time we see Him face to face...we will all have the correct time on our clocks. We will know Him because we took the time to learn Him here.


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