
Why wait to get married?

You thought this was going to be about sex didn’t you? Well, it might be. I guess you’ll have to read more to find out. But, before (if) we get that far...let’s take a step back. Why do most people get married? I may be misinformed, but I think it’s because they don’t want to be alone. “Uh oh”. By the way, that’s my new name given to me by my granddaughters! Love it! Well, if that’s true....why don’t people like to be alone? I mean, I get it. Sometimes it sucks to go to a movie by yourself, it really sucks to eat dinner alone. BUT what if you liked your own company? Can you list five things that you like about yourself? NO that’s not arrogance...again. It’s confidence. I like being around me because I’m funny (at least I am to me). I like being around me because sometimes I’m unpredictable. I like being around me because people smile back at me. Do you see? I know me. How well do you know you? Are you waiting for someone to introduce yourself to you through validation? Am I ...

How do you eat an Elephant?

That’s really an odd question if you think about it. I mean. If you remembered, wouldn’t you have remembered not to forget? Just a thought. Of course all of my blogs start with a thought. Life starts with a thought. So tonight I’m thinking about all the times I've had to fix or do things without any help. Since I became unmarried, there have been many times when there was no one available to help. I mean I’ve had some great neighbors and some family, but like tonight. There wasn’t anyone. I remember during the divorce process when I was cleaning out two storage buildings. One of them was so full that I had to hurry and close the door before something fell out. I got frustrated and I threw my hands up in the air and ever so gracefully shouted, “I am not a man!” I’m sure that was news to everyone. Ha! But the point is that I had to suck it up and take one part at a time. My mother always said, “How do you eat an elephant?” Of course all sorts of smart alec comments came to mi...

where is the exit?

There’s something interesting about Texas and Oklahoma freeways. They don’t have any.  Nope, they have something called  “Turnpikes”.   There are very good reasons for these turn pikes. They usually go directly from a to b without stop lights. Okay. So that’s good. Plus, you can drive up to 75 mph! No kidding! First time I saw a 75 mph sign I nearly jumped out of the car in delight. I always wanted to be a race car driver! Might be as close as I get. Anyway there are two down sides to turnpikes. The first one is that you have to pay to drive on them. Ask anyone. It can be up to a dollar per exit. I had to get a Pike Pass because there are so many tolls between me and well... anywhere that my car would have been weighed down with the weight of the change. So. Here’s the other problem.  Once you get on a turnpike they don’t have any EXITS! So, a toll road has exits, but you have to pay to take one. A turnpike has something called, “Midway”. Which literally means yo...

God is love, but?

I’ve often heard that God is  love.  What does that mean? I know that he sent Jesus to pay for our sins... that was love. Unconditional, we certainly didn’t deserve it. But that is a portrayal of love. I’m having trouble understanding how he “is” love.  So I went to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and I read verses 4-8. So, here’s the run down. God is patient (long suffering). Yes. He takes his time and is a God that can wait. Ok so God is kind... that means he can’t be cruel or hateful or abusive. That means that kindness is who he is, not what he does. Awesome ! Now I’m going to skip the next one for now. I’ll get back to it later. Then it says that he doesn’t parade himself around.  Now that’s just cool. If anybody should have a parade it should be God. But if you look at Jesus, he’d rather serve than have a parade. Now he did have one parade, but that was to fulfill his destiny, not his ego. Ok, so next...he is not “puffed up” . What? I looked that phrase ...

Hell no!

I’ve often been accused of simplifying things. I own it. I heard a sermon recently about “The Judgement Day!”  I have to tell you that it freaked me out a little. I grew up with the mentality of GUILT! Even if I didn’t do anything particularly offensive, still there was guilt to keep me humble? Did it really? No guilt and condemnation have one thing in common: torment. I replayed all the sermons I’d heard on The Judgement Day” da da da... (think... Law  and Order  on tv). Guilt is like a shark. You’re in the ocean, you know it’s there, but you just don’t realize how dangerous it is until it bites you. So I have some rhetorical questions. Did fear ever turn a heart toward God? I grew up with the thought that Jesus was the only way to avoid Hell! Hell was talked about a lot!  I’m only going to give you I’ve example of what Hell might be like. I’m going to use Adolph Hitler as an example. I read this once in a book and I can’t get it out of my head. I don’t even ...

Don’t just say, “NO!”

I’m reading a book called, “Boundaries “. I recommend it. You know how you think some things are just, “Captain Obvious “...turns out they aren’t.  “No!” Is learned behavior. It isn’t a natural response. Do you know why your child says, “No!” It’s because you taught them to. that’s not too popular. I have good news though. You should teach your children to say “No!”  They should have complete power over their choices throughout their life. The Book “Boundaries” brings out this point very well when it describes a child that refuses to go to the dentist. The parent doesn’t argue, they simply offer another choice. If you choose not to go to the dentist, then you choose not to go to XXX’s party later today. The child in the books response was, “Okay, but I’m not going because you made me.” The child is absolutely correct. She was free to choose. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about grace. Did you know that Grace allows you to say NO! to...God???? I bet your mind just ...

Useless prayers

“ the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much...” James 5:18b unless.... Have you ever prayed a prayer that was just downright silly? I bet you have. How about... you run a red light and with a police car directly behind you. you pray, “Lord, I pray that the police officer doesn’t see me!” How about... after you take a test at school and you pray, “Lord, I hope I did well.” Now for a biggy...You take a blood test, or have lab work done and you pray, “Lord I pray that everything comes out okay.” So, why are these prayers silly? First example. Is God going to blind  a police person when you know you’ve broken the law? Well, he didn’t blind one when I accidentally broke the speed limit on my way to church.  I did pray though,,, I asked for “MERCY”.  Thankfully it was my first ticket... not that it helped my prayer any, just sayin’. So, the second prayer is asking God to go back and fix your mistakes? Ummm....I don’t think so. And the third? If you’ve ta...

The phone, a Faub and a band

So, that just happened. It’s been an interesting weekend. I think I have some new entertainment for you. First let’s talk about the phone. My phone is so “smart”that I either need a code or my fingerprint to use it. Okay, so what happens if you have Cheese Puffs on your fingers? The smart phone is no longer smart. Yep, happened yesterday.  After I licked the Cheetos off of my fingers I found out that someone had tried to call me twice. So, What happens if you turn the ringer off... Like, say, to go to church or something? Well, you best not have any brain farts! We go out to dinner after church and the dreaded.” Where is my phone” thought hits! Thankfully I had turned the ringer back on or I would have had to go home and get my iPad to use my phone finder. What if they’d already taken out the trash! Thankfully I had turned it back on...whew.... Next, the’s so smart that I only need to have it in my possession to start the car. Well, the person trying to call me...

Take the phone away, I think she’s asleep..

Have you ever seen people do things while they are half asleep?  I have. I’ve seen people do things when I knew they were asleep. There’s a sleep aid that a person can get by prescription that has caused people to actually get up in the middle of the night, while they’re asleep and raid their own cupboards. They wake up in the morning and trash is everywhere. Remember when I wrote about the ten ways to know that you’re too tired? Well, the one about the empty Cheetos bag? Yep, that was me. So, since it’s Friday and well... I just can’t stop laughing...I decided to continue the theme, with a twist. I usually keep the phone close to me when I sleep, you know, in case of emergency or something. I think I’m going to have to move it. I was thinking of a friend and I remember trying to text her, then I fell asleep. I had actually texted her and someone named, “ykuiwhiq”. The text looked something like this., “Hey Ed huhujjjhyy Are You?”When I woke up I had a text from her.  ...

Super powers to avoid

Spider Man has his “spidy sense”. Wonder Woman has her golden shield. I also believe she has an invisible airplane. Every super hero has a “super” power.  Why else would they have the word”super” in front of their names? Did you know that every person you meets has a “ super” power? If you think about it, even villains have “super “ powers.  They might be super crazy, super genius, super evil,... right? As I’ve journeyed through my life I have discovered that I have some super powers! Sometimes I can be “ super “... cranky. Sometimes I can be “super” sensitive. My all time favorite is “ super” Grandma!  I can carry two of my four grandchildren with a single... well using every bit of strength I have, but I feel super. Does that count? So. I’ve made a list if “super” powers that should be avoided. Anger Hate Rage Lust Silence Violence Silence Etc... I bet you didn’t think of those as super powers. But they are. If I enable the super power of anger... I can...