The Power of the Blessing


DEUTERONOMY 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." (KJV)

    Most of you know that I look at scriptures in a very different light than most scholars. My searching doesn't mean I'm always correct or that someone else is incorrect. As depicted in the picture above, each of these children are seeing Jesus through a different facet of the diamond. I had a vision in my heart of this picture and someone was able to turn it into the art you see here.

    The scriptures are alive, Jesus is alive and if you look at all of the forementioned from every angle you might see something you've missed. Pretend you're one of these children and look through my perspective. I hope I can explain to you what I see.

    The scripture above mentions a choice. Read it again and see that God did not say that he commanded a blessing on your life. He said, "I set before you...", then He continues to state that the choice is yours. Of course, He recommends the best choice, but He won't force you to do anything.

       I'm going to take the concepts of blessing, cursing and choice apart. 

    Have you ever considered  what and who you've given your personal blessing to through the fruits of your labor? I seriously considered  this while praying for a friend of mine. Her situation was dire and it looked hopeless. One person in her life was determined to steal, and destroy her and everything she worked hard to achieve. That persons name is not important, but the story sheds light on the perspective I mentioned at the introduction of my Illumination. 

     While praying for her I felt the Lord give me instructions. Have you ever had that happen? It wasn't a verbal voice, just a different viewpoint that I had missed the last time I thought about these scriptures.

    During the prayer I said something like, " We remove the blessings from the life." (of the unmentioned person). We remove her blessings from everything he has gained from her hard work. "

      The scriptures clearly state in Deuteronomy 28  what will happen if a person does not listen to the voice of the Lord. The curses spoken of in this chapter are self inflicted.

      The person I spoke of was only blessed because of the work of his spouses hands. He had done nothing to earn those blessings and he had stolen what she'd worked for and was at the time attempting to steal her current blessing. God can not bless one that steals from another. The Bible actually says that if a thief be found he is to repay 7 times what he stole. (Proverbs 6;30-31)

    Through this search I gained a new insight. This person is a thief. His deeds were found out He meant to harm the woman that had given her blessings to him. His business was thriving because of the works of her hands.

"The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands."

    This man was receiving the blessings that were not his to receive. He had done nothing to guarantee the blessing of the Lord that he was reaping, but did nothing to deserve them.

    I realized that she had the power over her blessings! You have the power over your blessings. The scriptures above offers a very different insight than what I had  seen previously.

    As we prayed I said, "Lord we remove the blessings from this man that he has gained from the work of her hands." "We command that he repay 7 times what he has stolen." "He is harassing her and even now trying to steal and destroy everything she has done and is doing. Build up her business so that she is repaid for every dime he has stolen from her."

       Now, let me tell you the results of those prayers. I am still amazed when I think about the events that unfolded. His business was flourishing. The employees she trained were keeping the business afloat. Within a week or more of our prayer all of the people that she trained quit. She did nothing to cause this. She did not interfere or intervene, or say anything negative about him. She just put her efforts into her own work. She even found out the information without asking. Someone just informed her.

    Within a week or two she was able to hire three part time employees. These were not the people her husband had lost. They were people that came to her because she started searching for employees. As soon as she trained her new employees her business started to flourish.

    A random person called her and told her that the place she had built no longer offered the service she offered that had cause that business to prosper. We saw the loss nearly immediately. We saw the blessings she had sown return to her nearly immediately too.

    This is not the end of the story. I know that more blessings are on the way to her and they will not come from the work of anyone else's hands, but her own. 

    Have you given the blessing of the work of your hands, your blessings to someone that is using them for their own profit and denying  you the blessing you have earned? Have you considered removing your blessing from that other individual? What would happen if you did?

    Here's the prayer: "Lord you have blessed the works of my hands. I have sown and you said I would reap This person is reaping what I have sown. I expect you to return those blessings to me as they are from the works of my hands. You gave me the power to bless and to curse. I do not and will not curse another. however, I remove the blessing they have gained from the works of my hands. The blessings I gave must return to me. I rescind my approval from the work of their hands that they did not earn." In Jesus name.

    Please tell me what happens in your life from the results of this prayer. We must encourage one another.

    Keep your blessings and bestow them on those who have worked beside and with you. Your blessings are yours to give or to keep. I encourage you to look through this paradigm and see what you find in regards to your power of the blessing.


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