Did anyone lose an M?

Funny story! Don't you hate it when people announce that there's a funny story coming? Oh well. It's my story.

Most of you know that I make custom jewelry and have a website: barjeanajewelry.com. 

I sell quite a bit of merchandise in person and I enjoy making personally crafted jewelry. However, I discovered that I have a serious problem. I remember the orders, but sometimes I forget who ordered the product. 

A couple of days ago I had to pick up some things at Hobby Lobby and I saw this silver M. An image popped into my head of someone showing me a picture on a phone and asking me if I could make this necklace for their niece.

I remembered that much, but I could not remember who ordered it. Okay, I admit that my business skills have been a little lacking lately. I've been dealing with days that I care not to remember (physically) so, often that limits my attention span.

Matter of fact, I played the piano for a resident dinner a couple of weeks ago and someone came up to me afterwards and said, "Be careful on your drive home." I was so confused. I looked at them and said, "I live here." We all got a laugh out of that one.

Can you imagine moving into an independent living community with oxygen, a large puppy and using a walker? Fast forward, months later I came down to dinner without the oxygen, then months later I came down to dinner without the walker. I'd been so sick that the puppy I moved in with had to be walked by other people. Matter of fact they walked him so often for me that nobody knew he was my dog! Seriously. I need some good emoji's right now. 

When I moved in I had a purple streak in my hair. Yep. I had a plan. If I put a purple streak in my hair less people will notice that I am wearing oxygen. It worked! I was on oxygen 24/7 for over 2 years and was told oxygen would be my permanent companion. 

To make a long story short, I had a physical crisis ( one of many) and the Dr's discovered why I needed oxygen in the first place. Insert shocked emoji! They said it would be months before I could be without oxygen full time. Matter of fact I was supposed to be on oxygen until this past Christmas. BUT...by July I was no longer wearing the oxygen. The reactions were proof that the purple hair distraction worked. I came down to the dining room without the oxygen and people kept staring at me. They said, "I love your makeup!" I laughed and pointed to my nose. Then they reacted with shock "No more oxygen!" Yep. Then I got rid of the purple streak. Guess what? More people tried to guess what had changed and then realized I wasn't wearing oxygen anymore!

I had knee surgery in November and now I'm walking without the walker and people introduce themselves to me as if I were new here. I love it! To mess with their minds more I decided to grow my hair out and one day it's curly and another day it's straight. Oh yeah!

Back to my original story.

I could not remember who "ordered the M" necklace. I asked people that have ordered specific jewelry from me in the past and you would have thought I was a player on "Wheel of Fortune" asking "Is there an M?" 

I made the necklace anyway. I even determined the length of the necklace because the person told me it was for their niece. 

Yesterday was a challenging day. I could not get out of bed or eat or... well, it sucked pretty much all around.  But after some rest today I felt better. I went down to dinner, I played the piano, I searched for the person that purchased the "M" and came up empty. 

After dinner I decided I'd go down and play Bingo. We play each Tuesday night for dimes. I have not won one time....until tonight. I went in and asked if I could buy some dimes from anyone and someone sold me enough dimes to play. I actually won! Insert excited emoji! The man I bought the dimes from was making a joke with me and said that I owed him part of my winnings.

As I was leaving to go home after Bingo, the man that sold me the dimes said, "Do you remember when I showed you that picture of the "M" necklace and asked you to make it for my niece?" Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard! "It was you!" I told him that I'd made the necklace and had no idea who had ordered it. He's picking it up tomorrow.

Lesson learned: If someone orders an "M"... write it down!

Have a good day!


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