Eagles rise!

 Call to action! 

The scripture says that we should be :Wise as a serpent (that sees everything on its belly. ) It sees the dirt, the earth, the obvious. And tells us to be as Harmless (wrong word) as a dove! Doves master what the serpent sees! We’re doing this wrong!

Reptiles live a lot longer than birds. Eagles rise!

Snakes have had centuries to shed skin and become something else. If we (Eagles) crawl the ground with them, they will always win. 

Here’s my call to action. Eagles rise!

The view is delusional from the serpents angle. They see everything in front of them. They manipulate their environment from the filth of their own creation. 

We’re doing this from the wrong angle. One snake yells to the other “snake “ then laughs .  They laugh because it’s obvious to them .  The Eagles are screaming “snake “ and trying to point those snakes out to other eagles . We’ve been trained to think that if Eagles are aware of snakes others eagles will join the band and call out the snakes behavior. 

Eagles we are not riding. We’re screaming “Snake” and the snakes are laughing and saying “so what?” Is this why Justice isn’t working?

There are too many snakes in this world today! They’re eating the Eagles. The Eagles are lying around wounded yelling to each other “snake!”.

It’s not working!  The weapons of our warfare have NOTHING to do with a snakes innate behavior. They’re born with this venom. 

We’ve been going around checking for poisonous snakes and being eaten alive. 

Stop shining a light on the snakes. They are professional hiders! They have had decades to enhance their power. 

Meanwhile we’re trying to fight like a snake. Stop it!

Rise up Eagles! We don’t strike, we separate them, we scatter, we beat our wings together and send the snakes to the ground. We confuse and separate them. 

Step one. 

Stop listening to the snakes. They absolutely know what they are doing. 

Eagles can’t be “good snakes”. We must reform our tactics!

Talk to each other Eagles. Don’t waste time speaking snake. Use the tongues of Eagles!

Talk to me. What do Eagles say to each other?  Tell me what you see Eagles. Snakes can’t speak Eagle. They can only observe from the pits they create. 

Eagles rise! Swoop down and risk your feathers for the baby Eagles. Abortion is a distraction.  Snakes are very comfortable with distraction . 

Gather Eagles. Take up your post. Link wings, stir the dirt!  Blind them with their own deceptions. 

I don’t want to hear about a lap top, a crime family, destruction! It’s not working. 

Speak like Eagles ! We must be courageous for the flocks of the current Eagles! They’re tired. Rise up Eagles and protect the young eagles. 

Exposing the dark only relocates snakes. They don’t care. 

America! We’ve been polite to the snakes. Stop it! 

Eagles don’t plan, deville each other .  They make a pack, they push the snakes into one location. They don’t discuss with them , they don’t burn out their hidden places. No… violence is not the response. Fear is not a response.  

Action!  There’s a natural action we’re missing. We have the tools, but we’re using them from the wrong angle. 

Eagles rise!

Calling all mature Eagles! Feed the babes, give them the taste of victory that snakes can not experience.  They swallow whole. They double in size to consume and we’re waiting for them to destroy each other.  Stop it! They will willingly eat each other only to strengthen their jaws. 

Talk to me! Eagles unite. 

How? What? When? Where? I don’t know. Eagles rise! Teach each other! We do not fight like snakes. We must swoop down in unity and in doing so, scatter and corral the snakes to the place only we know. 

The fear factor! Dual standards? They don’t care. That’s where they live , that’s how they thrive. Snakes are counting on fear. They bite, but they can’t climb to the place of the Eagle. Stop trying to communicate and reason with snakes. 

Eagles rise above. Don’t use their communication plots. I don’t speak snake.  Speak Eagles! Speak!

Conform our language code! Confuse the snakes. They can’t speak or hear the Eagle. 

Eagles rise! 

We are not the same breed of Eagles!  Some drive trucks, some plant, some build, some purify the land .  The common thread is in the power of our beating wings!  

I see this passionately today. We must NOT let the snakes gather. They’re good at what they do. Where are the Eagles? We’re on the ground screaming, “ snake “! It doesn’t matter. The spirit of a man speaks the language of God! 

Pray Eagles, speak in the language of Eagles. Rise above. Hold my talon and I’ll hold yours. 

Eagles unite!  #eaglesunite.


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