How do you tell a pig from a pearl?

Being raised in church has a lot of advantages. However there is a problem. There are some scriptures that I heard so many times and so many ways that those scriptures became “sayings”.  They sound good, even churchy, but they don’t mean anything.

I don’t have televisions. 😱.  It’s not a religious or moral decision. I limit things that terrify me.  Have you read the news lately? Jesus come quickly. Anyway, this gives me more time to just think. 

 I’ve heard the saying “don’t cast your pearls before swine,” that became a “saying “. Yes it’s a scripture.  This thought never made sense to me.  What are pearls and who the heck are pigs and how do you recognize a pig ?

I mean, we’re taking about people, right?

The pearls part was always pretty obvious, until I thought about it.  But I missed something very important about oysters and even clams  

Do you know how these crustaceans make pearls? Here's the process I read online:  

"The formation of a natural pearl begins when a foreign substance slips into the oyster between the mantle and the shell, which irritate­s the mantle. It's kind of like the oyster getting a splinter. The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up that irritant to protect itself. The man­tle covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance that is used to create the shell. This eventually forms a pearl." OUCH!

I was like  “wow”!  An irritant finds its way into the shell and  that irritant turns into a pear? 

I related this scripture and the process in my life.  A hardship enters my life, no matter how hard I try to protect myself.  This becomes my “story”, A pearl is the result of a negative event. It takes a lifetime to create it. Well, now it makes less sense. I thought bad things don’t happen to “good” people. Only positive experiences give glory to God. “Don’t talk about the process, that doesn’t give glory to God???” 

Can you see how I got this all mixed up? Someone actually told me, “don’t share your testimony, people will never give their lives to Jesus.” What? I thought about that too.  

 The process  that causes me pain should remain unspoken... because it doesn’t give God glory?

No! The process of pain creates something beautiful. It costs me something and sharing the result costs me everything (exposure). I become vulnerable when I share my story. My story is precious to me, it's often painful. 

I used to believe that I was obligated to “give my testimony “. Just give it away to make someone’s life better.  Does it? Not always. The process of pearl making is hard and not everyone deserves to hear about that process and see the results. I never thought about it like that. Isn’t “transparency “ a Christians obligation?

No. You are not obligated to tell your story to everyone. I’ve met people that don’t understand the process. They only want to judge the outcome. The product of my journey gives my life an unspeakable value, the process is important.

So, how do you tell a pig from treasure? What do pigs do with everything they come across? They turn it into garbage. Pigs don’t care about the process. 

Recently I wrote out the process it took to make something precious; my journey.  That journey has been hard and cost me everything . When I share that process I have to share the pain and that makes me vulnerable to the judgement of others who have no idea....let's call them the pigs.  The process creates vulnerability. 

“It’s not important to protect your vulnerability when sharing your story "? Well, do you have a "recipe" that you only share with family? Do you have a secret you only share with your most trusted friend? Is your  story less personal than a recipe? Do you owe your secrets to everyone?  I have become very aware of the value of my story, the price for my story and the vulnerability I place myself in when I share what only I have experienced.

I'll gladly share the story of the love of Christ with anyone, only God can weed out the "pigs". Not my job. How many people did Jesus share the true reason he was here with...12 men and a few close friends. The rest were "pigs". They couldn't understand, didn't want to and couldn't stand by and see the process through. People, incapable of (understanding) the gravity, of your situation.   P.I.G.S.


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