What does need have to do with purpose?

 Maybe it’s just me, I’ve been thinking about my life. I’ve been a “fill in the blank” person. In ministry there’s a saying “buy one get one free”. I always knew when I was the “free” part when the hiring committee asked me “do you play the piano” when interviewing my husband for a job at a church. 

I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but it strikes me as ironic. Would any other kind of work pose that kind of question to a potential employee? 

Like “Ok. We’re going to hire you as manager of this restaurant.” “Does your wife cook?” “Great! You’re hired. .

Back to my point. Did Thomas Edison need a light at night? Did Alexander Graham Bell need to talk to people that weren’t in his immediate location?  Did David “in the Bible “ need to be king?

I don’t know the true answer to the first two. I do know they had a strong desire to solve a problem.  It had to be a strong desire because they failed over and over, until they didn’t. 

David is a little easier to figure out. Most of the time David’s motivation seems to be bound with responsibility.  His dad needed him to tend the sheep. So he did. Was he required to kill a bear or Lion? Nope. He could have “taken his sheep and run”. 

Responsibility often gives us a chance to “take our sheep and run”. Oh come on, you’ve faced bears and lions while doing what was asked of you.  

David’s need to protect his sheep led him to defeating a bear and a lion.  Hmm. Did his need lead to his purpose?

Did David need to be a King?  I can’t imagine him practicing with a slingshot to prepare him to be king.  Let’s pretend …David is sitting watching the sheep ( his responsibility) and starts thinking about how to become king.  So, he takes out his slingshot and says “this will make me a king”! Doesn’t that sound ridiculous?

David was fulfilling his obligation by tending the sheep. During his time of responsibility he took the time to perfect his weapon. 

So, David’s dad says “you need to take your brothers some lunch” . Did David say “ perfect! This is my chance to be king!!!” Nope. Now here’s where it gets interesting.

David didn’t just jump in front of the giant spouting off that he would be king and he had mastered the art of “sling shot”!

He went around asking a simple question. “What’s in it for me if I kill this giant “. He kept asking to be sure. When he got the answer and it was what he wanted he took out his slingshot and got the job done.  

What is around you that you’ve taken responsibility for that lead you to your purpose. I’d love to read your answers. 


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