Send it back to hell!

 Ok. Reality check.  First of all I’m now a blog-aholic…

Quick question… did hell invent pain? Awww got you.  Why did God invent pain? To let your body tell you something is wrong.  

Are you overly tired, working too hard, stressed out? The body responds using pain. 

When I was diagnosed with cancer the Dr thought it was in my head so he politely said “cancer doesn’t hurt!” Of course that was before I was told I only had 6 moths tops to live and it did hurt. 

It hurt so bad that I refused to accept his dismissal and found a more competent dr. What if there’d been no pain to encourage me to keep fighting for a reasonable answer?

If I had no pain when I put my hand in a blender (ewe gross) think about all the times that pain saved you from permanent harm. 

Next part. Does the devil pervert pain and inflict it for no reason? Excuse me, but hell yes. 

He wants us to get a taste of what he will experience for eternity.  He doesn’t even know how he will suffer. A “pit of fire?” Maybe he thinks that’s manageable? 

Before I continue. Pain is a response to a problem. It most likely is a physical issue ; that’s it’s job. Ask your body and the Spirit of God to reveal to you if there’s a physical or emotional reason for pain. If he doesn’t reveal anything then, tell the Devil to stop practicing on you!

In closing … what is hell like? I don’t know.  But I read a book (don’t remember the name) written by an unsaved man that got a glimpse.  Thankfully he was revived and could have a change of heart (see what I did there. lol)

The one story he told that will stay in my mind the longest was when he saw Hitler.  His vision, not mine.  He saw Hitler at the height of his glory in an enclosed case, Basking in cheers one moment.  The next moment the gas he used on the Jews and others, flooded the chamber and devils started laughing as he choked.  This scenario started over and over again. Why? Hitler was a man made in Gods image. He did not choose God, but the soul of a man lives forever. How could torment last forever ? Death is separation from God.  Think about that.  

That scenario is good enough to remind me to be grateful that Jesus gave me a choice when he died for my sins.  

Let’s all take a moment to be grateful.  If He just spared me from that, it would be enough. But He did so much more.  I like the more part.

Whatever you do, don’t send pain to hell.  It isn’t time yet and trust me that God has plenty stored up for the liar of all liars and the separator between Himself and man.

I wish you answers for your pain and a plan to relieve it. 


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