Healthy Jealousy

I know that healthy jealousy sounds impossible.  Well, it is. So, let me explain. 

There are people that have major issues that could be solved by “doing something “. 

One person has high blood pressure and if they’d stop eating salty food and go for a walk… they wouldn’t have high blood pressure. But they don’t choose to be well.  

I’m jealous of people that could be healthy and choose not to. It aggravates me because they have a solution, but won’t do it. 

My life is full of “don’t do that’s “. I abide by those rules. Most of the time , it doesn’t make any difference.

The Drs will figure out one thing and I learn to cope with it or manage it and something else happens. 

I’m always looking ahead to “ now I can get my life back”!

For example.  I was having severe back pain; degenerative discs. I found a surgeon that knew how to help stabilize my back. I was so happy and had the “now I can do…” feeling. When the surgery was over my lungs failed so I’ve been on oxygen for over a year. 

Recently my oxygen was dropping randomly. I couldn’t go to physical therapy anymore because it was too dangerous.  It’s very depressing to find the “ thing” that will give me more control over my life only to have something else cripple me. 

This is not a sob story. I don’t want pity. I’ll take prayer and I’m doing all that I know to do. 

This blog is a plea. If there’s something you can do to have a full life. … please do it. 

Nothing is too hard when you have the power  to change the outcome. 

I would like this to be an interactive blog. 
Tell me what your one thing is and tell me what you’re going to do about it. 

If you have the choice to be healthy and don’t use that power you make me jealous. 

Please write your “thing” and your “plan” and ease my jealousy.  Seeing you thrive helps me survive. 

I love you all. 


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