What is Breaking ?

 I’ve heard so many sermons on “breaking.”  I thought it was a horrible idea.

Sometimes I get images in my mind that give me an alternate way of looking at things that bother me,

I saw breaking as either an emotional or physical act, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. Why would the God I’ve given my life to want me in a state of despair? He’s supposed to be my father. I’ve seen fathers break their children by destroying their dreams or making them feel unworthy,  Is that what God wants? 

As I was thinking about this I got a picture in my mind,  Does this picture give you a new insight? It really made me see breaking as a miracle that I would ask for,

I saw myself trapped inside a heavy boulder It surrounded me. It kept the light out and I felt trapped, The weight of the boulder was too much to bear,

Then I saw myself struggling to get out of the boulder. I would push with all my might, but the boulder was too heavy and fortified to get free from it. Then I gave up. Thinking this is just the way it will always be . 

Then I saw the hand of God. He wrapped me in a cushion inside the boulder, why wouldn’t he just destroy the boulder? Although I was comforted, I was not free. 

Then I watched as God mercifully put a chisel to the boulder and I was afraid. As horrible and crushing ss the stone was , I’d become used to it.  It was comforting even though it was crushing me. 

God took his chisel and slowly started breaking the stone.  As the stone cracked I could see light. I was afraid because I hadn’t known light.  God stopped and comforted me. I had hope for the first time ! I experienced something new.  The weight and pressure of that hopeless heaviness lifted and I began to experience the wonder of freedom. 

God in his Grace never left me. He’d been there all along He waited with his chisel until I was ready to be free of its distorted comfort .

His mercy broke the thing I found comfort in as I was willing to let it go.  It was love and patience that broke the heavy boulder   His plan was to free me, not hurt me  

What is the weight holding you down?  Is it an addiction, a bad attitude, comfortable living in sin? I don’t l know, but as I studied this picture I saw “ breaking me” as an act of mercy and love  He came to set me free, it took time and I had to be willing to walk out of that stone  But when He freed me ,I had a new outlook , I could sense his presence and the joy he had for me ! There was so much joy and freedom! I shouted “break me out dear Lord from what I’d become accustomed to.”

Now I see that God doesn’t want to destroy me, he wants to break me away from something that was weighing me down  

I hope you are ready to be free from whatever pressure that is trying to keep me bound  

I would like to say, I’m ready and give you the authority to “break me free oh God  To know your goodness that frees me.” 

Look for the things that keep you trapped and be brave ! 

Freedom is his goal


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