We have a voice!

 We have a voice ..,

We cry “Hosanna”!

We have a voice ...

Bring Justice Lord of Heaven and Earth!

We have a voice...

Save those who are dying without you..

We have a voice...

God is faithful!

We have a voice...

Call your congressman and women!

We have a voice...

Speak Gods word!”Jesus is Lord!”

We have a voice....

We take the microphone back from hell itself!

We have a voice...

Speak the Word of God! “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!”

We have a voice..

Satan back off, it’s not your time yet! We, the roaring Lion of Judah are still here 

We have a voice...

Bring righteousness and salvation to the lost. We refuse to seek comfort when so many are bound for hell!

We have a voice...

We prophecy to the North,South, East and West ... give up your voice for King of Glory must be heard in the earth!

We have a voice,,,

Shut  the mouth of the crossing lion! He has no power !

We have a voice...

“All authority has been given to us in the name of Jesus!”

We have a voice...

Righteous rise up!



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