Even if You Don't...

This has to be one of the most important blogs I've written. Please read it carefully and prayerfully.

It's easy to believe in righteousness when everything is going the way we expect it to, when it makes sense. But what about when it doesn't make sense? What if all the promises of God seem to fall around us? Can we believe when things go wrong?

There's one scripture that has been repeated over and over again in the Christian news. "There's another in the fire." Those three men said this before they were thrown into the fire... "If He does not, we will still not bow."  Can we do that?

The enemy has a plan. He wants us to take up arms and fight the same way the world does in anger. Do we have reason to be angry? Has wrong been done on every front? Is the Devil on the loose and speaking very loudly? Is he mocking God and us? Yes, absolutely!

Someone said this today and it made complete sense... "Do not let them provoke you!" You see the Devil wants to provoke us to do evil because of injustice. People have been deceived. Instead of being angry at them I would say that we need to pray for those who despitefully use us.  Jesus won over Hell, Death and the Grave by letting them think they won....ha, ha. 

Evil will  get in your face, it's a promise. What do we do as American Patriots, as Christians? A narrative has been written, we saw it played out at the US Capitol. It was so obvious, but we all missed the trap.

Five hundred thousand Patriots and Christians alike went to the Capitol to celebrate the ability to voice our opinions, to pray, to sing, to praise God in the midst of potential disappointment. The enemy of our souls and our country took the opportunity of the multitude to sneak in and destroy. It was a set up.

Now we're faced with an inauguration that is questionable in most of our minds. I warn you openly. The enemy wants to bait you to go and protest and cause destruction. BUT they don't know that we have strength in ways they can not imagine.

Where is our power? Well, it's in studying our Constitution and running for office. But the loudest voice we have is our buying power. Yes, 75 million people...if we don't buy it, they don't succeed. We must take away the power of these corporations to lead us around by our noses.

Patriots, we are intelligent people! Create alternatives to Twitter, Facebook, even Amazon and Apple and use our dollars to promote peace. You see, the power we have is in remaining peaceful in the face of torment. The Devil does not have patience. He does not have faith. He operates the same in every generation...he's a bully. 

I've often warned that nations have fallen because of corruption and they have. But America has not fallen! We have laid our weapons down at the feet of Jesus and said, "Even if you don't, I will not bow to this evil". We will not stop our parades, we will not stop assembling peaceably.  We are awake now. We are alert to the evil that would infiltrate the good and create distruction. We must be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. We will take up our weapons of freedom, money and time and we will not give them to the corruption of this world. I will not give my dollars to those who would steal my freedom. I will not give my time to those who are corrupt and creating a narrative that is NOT GODLY.

I gave away one of my televisions and sold the other. I will not give my time to a propaganda machine. I'll find ways to get my music and my books without going through these corrupt companies who are OBVIOUSLY trying to thwart our voices, to shut our mouths. They do not know that they have awakened a giant. Not a giant that is destructive...NO..never. We rebuild, we improve, we encourage. We are a  giant that has the power of our money, of holding onto our beliefs, of saying "NO!" to those who would try to steal our government, our rights, our Constitution. NO!

They will NOT provoke us to do evil. We will not destroy or create an evil narrative regarding our stand  for justice. We would never go and destroy our Capital. NEVER! We  will go to church, we will peacefully assemble, we will avoid situations that are set up to lead us into destruction. 

Patriots, Christians, Do not take the bate. Do not go to the Capitol for the inauguration. Our voice is our absence. Do not buy products that try to control the narrative of our nation. Hold your peace. Study your history, study and prepare to take office. I won't vote for you just because your ideals are good. I will vote for you if you are prepared and if you have the ability to stand under the worst pressure possible.

Don't ever question the Christianity of President Trump! How could one  man stand against such evil and still say "God Bless America!" He was prepared, he knew the law, he learned about foreign policy, he learned how to cooperate with those who are irate and wanted war.  

Strength is in ignoring evil. They will get in our faces, they will provoke us. What will we do ? We will defend ourselves when it's appropriate, but we will not be baited into  situations that would prove a narrative.. "We the people" are not violent, but we are also, not passive. We will not bow our knees to evil we will wait and watch the Lord deliver us. If He does not deliver us the way we think He should we will stand in the fire trusting Him completely and say, "Even if you don't deliver us, we will not bow!"



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