Finding consistency in change

Is your world as full of  "What?" as mine is? I do not turn on the TV anymore. People are crazy!

I've been looking for things that will not was hard.

Here are some examples of things that do not change.

If you water grass, or even weeds, they will grow.
When the sun goes down the moon rises.
There will be a tomorrow and then there will be a yesterday.
The planet will continue to turn.  Here's proof:

I Corinthians 4:8-9 "Now he who plants and he who waters are one, i and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 9 For j we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are k God's building."

There are things that I could change: my mind, my size, my taste, my favorite color, my hobbies.... 

These are things that change in the world: temperature, temperament, politics (Don't even get me started), fashion, perceptions of right and wrong (Note I did not say right and wrong, only its perception).

There have always been the following:

There's a saying "focus on the things  you can change." Easy to say isn't it? I mean....have you ever felt so helpless. Who do you talk to? Are you tired of talking to the people you are seeing...well...everyday and night?

Here are the things I can change that matter:
I refuse to judge, but I will not tolerate injustice.
I choose to love, but I know who will not accept that love.
I choose to love people, knowing I will be rejected.

If it  helps, make a list of things you can control, decisions you have made that will not change and stick with the decisions you can make.

I have one phrase for the state of this world "...THE WORLD..." Anyone else agree? What do you say besides HELP! Try to find a reason to smile . Be your reason to smile.


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