Unmasking the Ghosts

Thank you Pastor Steven Furtick. You inspired me...

I've often lived in a world that is black and white. Not speaking of persons of different colors, no. I didn't understand the "gray" zone. , My world was "ALL OR NOTHING!"

If a person is bad, that's just who they are. If a person is kind, that's who they are. That's not possible. There are times when I'm angry, that does not make me an "angry" person. There are times when I'm hurt, but that's only one part of me. Pastor Furtick talks about all the parts of us that we want to pretend don't exist. I hope you enjoy this.

I've been trying to find the US in life. We all live with US, everyday, every minute...it's hard.
When I speak about US I am not speaking about you and me necessarily. I am speaking of me and the ghosts of my past.
Pastor Furtick put it like this, "G - guilt, H - hopelessness - O- offenses, S- sorrow, T- threats".

He made some really good points including the following (paraphrased)
"The only reason these things surprise us is because we don't expect them. Why are we denying these issues and act surprised when they rear their ugly heads?"

These issues do not go away. Jesus didn't die to defeat them in my head. He died to give me power over them, but if I keep pretending they don't exist how can they be defeated?

If you feel guilt, ask for mercy. If you feel hopeless, ask for help, if you feel offended, as for the grace to forgive, if you feel sorrow, reach out to someone. If you feel threatened... this one is harder. When people feel threatened they often revert to the natural "Flight or Fight" mode. In other words, get out of my way or step back. Is it just me or is the whole world in the "fight or flight" mode?

I'm keeping this short on purpose. I hope you'll watch the videos I've linked here. Let God show you the ghosts that keep showing up and surprising you, take their power away by acknowledging them, deal with them and tell the devil "HE'S A LIAR".



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