So, what's new?

As you can imagine I have had very little to write about lately. I, like everyone, have a lot on my mind, but nothing noteworthy. I try to keep social distancing from the news . šŸ˜±šŸ˜±

Since I am single I have quite a lot of time on my hands. Thank God I can work from home, but home is like being trapped in "Groundhog Day". I wish I still had the underwear with the days on it so I could keep track.

So, I had a thought today....yes, it still happens. What do we do now? There is no absolute answer for that question, just ask anybody.

I watched Elevation Church's service last weekend (I think) and it was precious to my soul. The pastor spoke about the "New Normal" and how Israel faced a new normal when they stood between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's Army. They had been slaves for over 400 years! They had no idea what "normal" looked like.

People often judge the children of Israel harshly for their doubt, but I get it. I mean, they had not experience God in this way for hundreds of years and I'm sure they wondered how to trust this God that wanted to deliver them, but had to take the through the desert to do it.

Is this our time in between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army? It's a good metaphor because nobody has any idea what to do.  We have a President facing things nobody has ever had to face. By the way, this is not political, just a reality check.  There are evil forces at work everywhere, both seen and unseen and the talking points are not worth talking about. I wish we could just mute the political machine. It's actually crazy if you look at it from any  perspective.

So, today I woke up and thought to myself "Who do I trust?" I don't know the President, do you? I don't know the House of Representative members or the Senate. I don't know if China did this on purpose or if the world is just "bat" crazy.

It's so easy to say "Trust the Lord". Sure! You first. (ha).

Back to my analogy. Now I am not comparing our President to Moses, except that I am in relation to the people of Israel. They did not know Moses. They weren't privy to the conversation in the desert with a burning , not burning , bush. I have much more compassion and much less judgement for them.

I mean, they were told to walk in to the sea. What? They hadn't been out of Egypt in hundreds of years and now they're supposed to follow this murderer and possible crazy man into the sea? No wonder they were afraid.

So, I thought about "Who do I trust"?. I've been conflicted about God in all of this. I want to believe He has all power in Heaven and Earth, but then I see the Earth and think "you've got to be kidding me". Like, nobody is in charge. As I stated I don't know my own governor. I don't know the kid behind the cash register. I don't know who's been exposed and who hasn't. Covid 19 has changed the definition of the world I once understood.

I remember 9/11. It was horrific. There were no planes in the sky, the silence was deafening. It was almost surreal. But here we are (were) so many years later, almost returning to a strong country, then this.

My conclusion? I don't know who to trust. I don't know what the plan looks like and truthfully I wonder what day it is. So, how do I trust the Lord? I've never seen Him, I see evidence of Him, but I see more evidence of evil. Don't you?

So, once again I am confronted with a choice. Who  do I trust? Well, honestly, nobody because nobody has the experience or magic wand to make this all go away.

So, I'm looking to the Lord in a very real way asking him some very real questions. "Anybody up there?" "Do you see this?" "What are we supposed to do now?" "When can I  leave my house?" Every day real questions. Today I experienced a kind of unnatural peace. Peace of any kind in this word is definitely unnatural. There is no reason or rhyme,  or sanity to be found.

So, instead of looking at this from a world view I've had to look at it through my own view. "God I have no idea what's going on." "I have no idea what to do." "I have no idea what promises of yours to believe." I don't know what to think as time drags on and the voices in society are screaming madness. But I have walked with the Lord most of my life and I have seen good times and bad times, I've experienced both Hell and Heaven. On this earth we will experience both good and bad. This is really bad. If you don't agree, then we need to talk.

I don't know what the goodness of God looks like in this situation.  Sounds pretty hopeless doesn't it? I hear preachers saying "God is judging the earth". Why? If he wanted to do that why would he send his only son? That makes no sense. Is God allowing this to teach us all something? I have no idea and if he is I sure would love to hear the punchline.

So, I choose...I choose to limit the news. I choose to limit the input into my mind. I choose to listen for His voice in all of this and I know for certain as the day is long ...this too shall pass.

So, even though this is a place I've never been I am deciding to believe that everything has a time and a season.  Solomon knew that. The world has survived many more obstacles than this. God has returned his people to their homes. I'm looking at the evidence and deciding that this too shall pass.  That's about all the hope I can muster right now, how about you?

So, feel free to join me in saying "I don't know". " I don't know who's in charge. I don't know what's next", but I do know that God set this world into motion and it hasn't stopped yet. I can believe that. I have history on that. I can come to that conclusion every day (even when I don't know what day it is). So, trust has to have evidence. Faith is not the absence of evidence, it's the conviction that whatever "this" is , it will pass.

So, yes trust in the Lord, but not because there's no evidence. Look around you. This earth has survived plague after plague and whether this was man-made or a horrible mistake, I choose to say "This too shall pass." Not with faith in something I can't comprehend, no, faith in the evidence that God does split seas, he does calm wind and he does raise the dead. How do I know? I 'm still here and if you're reading this, so are you.

May unreasonable peace fill your mind....


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