Chasing rainbows? Stop it!

One of the most damaging thoughts I’ve ever had was supposedly “spiritual “ in nature.
“Make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be.”  I bet you’ve heard it too. It sounds spiritual... only one problem. It depends solely on me. There is no supporting evidence  anywhere in scripture to prove that I have anything or much to do with planning my location to meet Gods need.

Wow! The truth will set you free.

Let’s take some examples.
Mary- mother of Jesus.
All 12 disciples
Every prophet and king in the Bible.

What were they all doing when The Messiah and even Jehovah himself came to them?
They were all living ... normal, established lives.

Don’t get me wrong. The Lord did appear in a dream to MANY people in the Bible. For example He told Joseph “Get out of where you are and go to Egypt.”  Well, ok. Where was Joseph before then? At home being a carpenter.

God spoke to men regarding Saul (Paul). He told them where to go and even what to expect. What were they doing before? Living their lives. Sometimes they found their answer during their prayer time, sometimes they were simply sleeping... normal activities.

Here’s what I had imagined to be truth.

The disciples were on their boat fishing and they were going from shore to shore searching for Jesus. Peter was like “I don’t know, should we be here or over there?” Imagine with me the kind of confusion that would cause.

I’ve even heard this “where God guides He provides “. Sounds good, except for a couple of important issues. Who did He guide and How did He provide? Let’s take one of the prophets.  Oh I forgot, this one was running from a Queen after He’d seen God rain down fire. This man was sitting by a river hiding...  God didn’t say “Um, excuse me, you aren’t supposed to be here. I can’t help you here.” Nope he did ask him “why are you hiding “. The prophet told God the truth “I’m afraid.”  What did God do then? He sent him food faster than “Door dash” could. Then he told him where to go to wait for the King to come to his senses.  He ended up at a widows house who had nothing.  She was preparing her final meal for her and her family.

How did God provide there? Well, the prophet looked around and said “hey, how many of those oil containers can you borrow?” She went to her neighbors, borrowed jars and God filled them up. Was she where she was “supposed” to be?

God provided and guided in many different ways in which we have little or no control over. “Thank You God”. Let’s look at one more. “Gideon “. He was hiding behind a rock. Hiding. Where was Jonah? Doing his job. He even ran away! God didn’t seem to be disturbed by his actions. He simply set up another way for him to get to Nineveh. Now I’d rather take the first option on that one and simply travel on my own. I don’t think I’d like an Uber ride from a big fish, but that’s just me.

Where was David? Tending sheep.

How did God provide for Jesus while he was growing up?  Well I know it’s not popular to think this way, but Jesus learned to be a carpenter.  Joseph was a carpenter. There was no magic involved. We need to delete the magic from our opinion of Gods plan.

God knew Herod was going to try to kill Jesus. Here’s a thought .. what if the gifts the Wise Men brought Mary and Joseph was for their trip to Egypt?

I am not making light of the supernatural. I am, however suggesting that where we should be is not such a mystery.  He said He would give us the desires of our hearts. Not “whatever we want “ the desire to be who we as intended to be. Maybe a fisherman , a carpenter, a tax collector, a shepherd who loved to write songs.

I am now free of the “where am I supposed to be” life I’ve been living.  I’m taking me out of the way. What a relief! No more chasing shorelines in case Jesus needs my boat. It wasn’t magic it was supernatural ... God Himself. Yay!!!

Just be ... He knows where you are. Relax and enjoy this life. Stop chasing rainbows. There are no pots of gold. What do you have in your hand? What is your talent? Are you the kindest greeter Walmart has ever had? Be that. He sees you. I’m so relieved.

May your journey through this life be lead by peace and the creator of the heavens and the earth. Take     the words of the serenity prayer to heart  “God give me the wisdom to change what I can, let go of what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.” My paraphrase.


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