Is God still God?

Nothing political here...Just some thoughts.
Hi Everybody! It's me!

I've kind of been on a silent vacation. I've been doing battles in places I had no place being. Yes, I know, same word,!

In this silent vacation I had some very deep insights and I'd like to share them with you.

1) God is still God!

The news has been unstable, just don't know who or what to believe anymore. Do you feel that way too? At first I thought I was just "staying informed." But today I realize I've been staying anxious. Anybody else?

I've been experiencing supernatural events lately. Well, I am a supernatural event...I'm still here!
I saw the movie "Break Through" last week. I believe in those kind of miracles because I am that kind of miracle. Choose any of my blogs about car accidents or cancer, get the idea..

So, what is that supernatural news?

This will blow your mind. People have tried to explain "waiting on God" to me my entire life. It's been called a "rest" and an "action word," which is it? So as I was praying I saw this image (in my head, not hallucinating) of me standing on the corner waiting for a taxi. I thought "I wouldn't stand on the corner and wait for a taxi if I hadn't called one." So, that's my new image for waiting on the Lord.
While I'm waiting I'm at the designated spot that I have chosen to wait. I just have to communicate that location to the driver.

Where are you? Are you standing in the middle of the street with your hands on your hips cursing every vehicle that goes by because it isn't your taxi? Interesting? Are you standing in the driveway when you said you'd be on the corner? Are you sitting in the living room with headphones on when you said you'd be listening?

Isn't that interesting? So if I'm waiting on the taxi I need to be where I said I would be. The taxi driver doesn't tell me where to wait, unless it's at the airport or something. Nope, I tell the driver where to pick me up.  Do I tell God what to do? Absolutely not! Do I inform Him of my choices? Absolutely! So, if I say, "Lord, I'm going to wait today by reading your word." He knows where to meet me and more importantly "I know where to expect Him!"

Could it be that simple? Yes, I think it can. Don't go all religious on me and say, "I don't have time to sit and read my Bible and wait for hours!" Who said you had to? Do you know where I wait on the Lord sometimes? In my bathtub where it's quiet and I have my thoughts captivated in lovely bath salts. Sometimes I use my adult coloring book and wait. I've received some powerful insight in these places.

There isn't a formula for waiting. It doesn't require a certain amount of effort, or a certain time or place. It requires resolve and expectation. I resolve where to wait for the taxi and I expect it to show up. Hmmm...

This world has enough opinions on how to do whatever. I want it simplified. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Have you ever felt like if God just told you what to do, you'd do it? I have many times.

Which leads me to my next random thought.... "God is with us!" Sounds practical, sounds easy....right? Wrong. Let me put this into a word picture. Suppose you're in a place of trouble, I imagine sitting on a beach with darts being sent my way. Yeah, I know. Anyway, do you know where God is? He's sitting right there holding my hand. Is that his best for me? Well, I do recall Him telling me to put on the whole armour of God...Ephesians 5. What if I don't? Guess what? God is with me even in trouble.

You mean He's not going to jump out in front of the fiery darts and quench them all because He loves me? Nope.  He's going to sit right there with you as you dodge every fiery dart. He's going to remind you that he said in Ephesians 6:16 "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith YOU shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one."

Wait a minute? God isn't going to do it for me? Nope. What about safety? Well, Psalms 91 says, "If YOU dwell in the secret place of the most High."

"Now you're talking about works!" I hear you. No I am not. I'm talking about location. The key to a successful business is location, location, location. The key to your safety is also location, location, location.  Location doesn't always protect you, but it does prepare you.

Let's look at Paul. The Disciples said, "If you go to XYZ you will be captured and tortured." He replied, "Yes, I know." BUT I need to do this anyway. God will guard me. I hear you, didn't he get beaten? Yep. But he also got set free by angels, he won a guard and his family to Jesus and he continued to preach the gospel.

What about Jesus? He said, "I must go to Jerusalem where they will kill me!" Peter spoke up and said, basically, "over my dead body!" Jesus said, "these things must happen in order for me to fulfill the law and the prophets..." So, Jesus walked into danger? Yes, but he also walked out of it.

When they tried to shove him off a cliff? It wasn't his time or the way it was supposed to happen. Nope, Jesus knew there was a cross and a crowd that had to be involved. So, what did he do? He walked right through the midst of them. He knew this was not his destination.

Okay, what about Paul? Remember when he landed on the Isle of  Patmos? The ship was sinking. Paul even told the owners that it would. He knew what was going to happen. But he also knew that he had to go before Caesar and the leaders of the day to proclaim Jesus and that wasn't going to happen if he died on that Island.  Hmmm...

Do you see a pattern here?

David says, "If I go to the depths of Hell you will be there!" My suggestion? Don't go to the depths of David did take God there a couple of times through because he wasn't where he was supposed to be. But even then, God turned it the situation into a testimony.  You do realize that Bathsheba was Solomon's mother? The wisest king that ever lived?

Jesus went into the depths of Hell and preached about himself to those in paradise. Was God there? Yep. "That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead."

Let me sum up this conversation with two key points.
1) Let God know where you're going to wait. (make time for Him)
2) Know what to expect. (If I call for a taxi I don't wait for a motorcycle)....

Isn't it interesting? So, put on the armor of God, sit with Him and hold His hand as YOU do what needs to be done. He promised to be with us. So, if we choose to wait in the middle of the street and scream at every car that passes I see Jesus holding our hands saying, "Duck, that one almost got us."  He is with you so choose where to be.

Can it be that simple? Let me know.


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